The Minor Prophets: #7 Zephaniah
My name is Zephaniah, and sometimes people refer to me as the “Prophet of Love.” It’s always good to be reminded of God’s love for us, isn’t it? Because the times we were living in then were uncertain, it was even more important for the true followers of Yahweh to be reminded of God’s love for them. “The mighty one, He will save! He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing…. (Zephaniah 3:17)
I love this verse from Zephaniah, because I do like to be reminded of God's love. Can you imagine the God of the universe rejoicing over you personally? Have you experienced him quieting you with his love when you are stressed? Wouldn't you love to hear him rejoice over you with singing??? This is one of my favorite verses to meditate on!
In the seventh video of the series, Zephaniah tells us what was like living in Judah during the reigns of wicked king Manasseh, King Amon, and subsequently, good King Joash. During his reign, the books of the law that had been hidden in the temple were discovered! Even though King Joash brought much needed reform to the country of Judah, God told him it was too little, too late. During the reign of his grandfather, King Manasseh, their doom had been sealed. However, his reforms did buy the people time. Yahweh did not bring judgment during the reign of Joash.
Zephaniah, while bringing a message of upcoming judgement, is also known as the "Prophet of Love" with his reminder of God's love for his people. He also teaches about the Day of the Lord, and the Millennial Kingdom of Christ. How about you? Are you "hidden" in the Lord?
This video is narrated by my brother in law, Jerry Shader. Thanks Jerry!! To download a worksheet, click here. For the study questions and scriptures, click here. (8:09) Finally for the Lesson Plan for this session, Click Here!
Scriptures: Zephaniah, 2 Chronicles 34, 35, 2 Kings 22,23. Key verse: Zephaniah 3:17
Which part of this video was the most meaningful to you?
How was the judgment predicted against Judah a "type" of what was to come in the last days?
What is the Millennial reign of Christ? What words did Zephaniah use to describe what it would be like?
How can we stay "hidden" in Christ during these times? What do you think it might mean that God might hide us in the Day of the Lord?
Do you see believers in America truly repenting in our day, right now? Or is it merely a form of repentance?
Score yourself using "God's report card " (see below) on a scale of 1 (weak) to 10 (strong). Which area is your strongest? Which is your weakest? Choose your weakest area to set a goal for yourself for improvement. Ask God to show you what you can do to please him in that area through prayer. Finally, put your prayer in action!!
#1 They did not obey his voice.
#2 They would not receive correction from God.
#3 They did not trust in the Lord.
#4. They did not draw near to God.
12 minutes. You may enjoy this 12 minute video/story of the discovery of the law during the reign of Josiah.
2:49. Fun times! An amazing seal was found!
Enjoy the text of the video below:
My name is Zephaniah, and sometimes people refer to me as the “Prophet of Love.” It’s always good to be reminded of God’s love for us, isn’t it? Because the times we were living in then were uncertain, it was even more important for the true followers of Yahweh to be reminded of God’s love for them. “The mighty one, He will save! He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing….
The name Zephaniah means, “Whom the Lord Hides.” I am not sure why my parents named me this, but I have an idea! I was born near the end of the 55 year reign of Manasseh, the son of King Hezekiah. Remember Micah and Isaiah prophesied during Hezekiah’s reign! Such a man with the heart of God! King Hezekiah was my great great grandfather. Oh, how he loved the Lord! Now he was not perfect by any means, but certainly his reforms were many, and sweeping! He cleaned up the temple, and reinstituted the sacrifices. He tore down the high places of false worship. He listened to the prophets and God miraculously saved Jerusalem out of the hands of the Assyrian army!
Manasseh, however, was a wicked king. King Manasseh seduced the people of Judah to do more evil than the wicked nations they had cast out of the promised land He worshipped the Baals, the sun, moon and stars, and set up an Asherah pole in the temple Yahweh. There were altars to every and any deity erected there!. I suspect my parents could have been literally “hiding” me from King Manasseh for a time. Although King Manasseh eventually repented of his wickedness at the end of his life, his son, King Amon (named after the Egyptian deity of the sun) was also very wicked. He was assassinated by his own people. What a mess! So, HIS son, Josiah, was put on the throne by the people at age 8.
Josiah was a king after God’s heart… just like king David. By age 16 he began to seek God. He was really listening to the prophet Jeremiah. And four years later, he began a religious revival in the land in 622 BC. He broke down the sacred pillars and the altars of the Baals throughout Judah and Jerusalem. At age 26, Josiah pledged to repair the house of the Lord. One day, when work had commenced, the high priest, Hilkiah, found the Book of the Law of the Lord! So Shaphan, the scribe, carried the scrolls to the king, and read them out loud to him. They had been lost for so long! Just like Micah had warned… it had been a time of true darkness. Well of course when King Josiah heard the words of the Lord, he was overwrought because of the trouble he discovered we were in! He cried before the Lord and humbled himself. He sought the prophetess Huldah for a word from the Lord. Was there any hope for us? Could these consequences of our actions be undone?
Unfortunately, they could not. What Judah had done, Judah had done. God was a just God, and his judgements were true. However, he was also a merciful God.. God was giving Josiah more time… time to repent, time to live in peace before the curses of their disobedience would be meted out. King Josiah reopened true worship in the temple and started the practice of celebrating Passover once again. Such festivals we had! There had been nothing like this in Judah since the time of Samuel!
Right about this time, between 622 and 612 BC I was called to prophesy to the nation of Judah. As I said earlier, I got to deliver a message of love, which softened my pronouncement of upcoming judgment. This was good news for the remnant of the lovers of Yahweh, but for the people who were only going through the motions of serving Yahweh, they were about to be called on the carpet.
The first thing I was called to do was reinforce Huldah’s message. Judah was going to be utterly consumed, and soon. Everything would be cut off… the idols, the altars to false Gods, and even men, totally from the face of the land. In real time, and very soon after the reign of Josiah, this prophecy began to come true. In fact, only 17 years later, in 605 BC the first of the Babylonian invasions arrived in Jerusalem, turning Judah into a vassal state. What I understood from the heart of God through my message was this… there was a “form” of repentance during the days of Josiah, but the people had not really turned back wholly to God. They had eliminated the idols in their homes, but not in their hearts. The rulers were still greedy and wicked. The outward reforms King Josiah made did not necessarily mean there was inward revival.
Just like the Israelites were to look carefully for leaven before the Passover, to remove it from their homes, God was searching and seeking each heart to see who was passionate toward him, and who was indifferent. He could see the young princes walking around in the clothing of the Babylonians and Assyrians, instead of the traditional dress of the fathers. These young men were trying to look “stylish” or “modern” while shunning Yahweh. He could see the ones who followed the false Gods, hiding them in the thresholds of their homes! He could see them operating in violence and deceit. Even worse, he knew there were many that thought, “Yahweh just won’t do anything, whether good or bad.”
Ah yes, the day of the Lord was at hand. But this was just a precursor, or a foreshadowing of what would happen in the “Great Day” of the Lord at the end of the age! Remember Joel? Just about every prophet had something to say about the Great day of the Lord and I was no exception. Destruction! Distress! Desolation! Darkness! Oh yes, God does judge his own people, and the nations.
My warning to you is the same one I gave to them.! Gather together as a people BEFORE the day of desolation begins! Once it has started it will be too late! Seek the Lord! It just may be that you will be “hidden” in the day of the Lord’s anger! I don’t know for sure, but I always had a theory that this admonition was a hint of the rapture of the church! Get saved by grace! Cry out to Messiah, Jesus, before it is too late. Whom the Lord loves, he hides! That’s me! My name! “Whom the Lord Hides!” And you! The beloved of God! He will hide you, too, under his wings. Once he comes to call you to himself on that day, you must be ready to go immediately!
Again, in my book I discuss how, in the Great Day the Lord, Yahweh is going to judge the nations, one by one. Remember Nineveh? I also prophesy their destruction! They were destroyed in 612 BC, very soon after my words were given. They were not the only ones about to be judged. I named each of the surrounding nations and told what their lot would be… ah yes, all of us prophets are in agreement about these things! The nations will be judged in the last days, too. Remember, first, a confederacy of nations will come up against Israel, then Christ will return with his heavenly army and defeat them, judging the nations as to their treatment of Israel. Then he will rule and reign on the earth for 1000 years! Finally, we will have the great white throne judgement and the new heavens and new earth!
Why was Jerusalem doomed to fall? I guess because the people had the same tendencies man has had through the ages. Take a look at God’s grievances and give yourself a report card. #1 They did not obey his voice. #2 They would not receive correction from God. . #3 They did not trust in the Lord. #4. They did not draw near to God.
America, as a nation, would be hard pressed to score very well at this point in time. However, many of the followers of Christ in your day are strong lovers of God and faithful to Yahweh (Yah way) and his son Yeshua! You would pass with flying colors!
So, here’s the good part. The pledge of God’s love. It is what the remnant of Yahweh held onto in uncertain times. There is a millennial kingdom coming for Israel, and all of us. I will describe to you some of what you have to look forward to!! Think of it! It will be an era of supreme joy, with no evil or fear. The Lord’s judgements against Israel will be removed and thrown into the sea! God will gather the saved remnant and they will live in the personal presence of the Lord. The Lord will have previously judged all of Israel’s enemies, and exalted Israel now as the highest of nations. And here is the love part. Israel will be the special object of God’s love. You, too, as the redeemed church will rule and reign with Christ.
So, when life is swirling around you, remember. Stay close to God, and stay ‘hidden” in him. Being in the center of God’s will, is the very best place to be, even in dark and uncertain times! He will quiet you with his love!!! He will rejoice over you with singing. Only in this “hidden” place will you find peace.