The Minor Prophets: #2 Jonah
When God commanded me to go to Nineveh, I did not want to go. Yes, you guessed it. I am Jonah. Many people can’t “swallow” my story, I guess it is kind of “fishy!” But, the master himself, when he was on the earth, talked about me! He said I really WAS swallowed by a fish, and was there for three days, and then I was “resurrected.” It was a foreshadowing of Him! I am so privileged to be a part. Pretty much everyone knows my story, well not my entire story, but certainly the part where I was swallowed by a large fish. But I would like an opportunity to give my side of the event. Where was I? Oh yes...
Welcome to Jonah, session 2 in the Minor Prophets series. I know you will enjoy his story! Jonah has a very timely message for the church in our day. You might wish to download the worksheet to fill in as you watch, or complete later. This one is narrated by my husband... John Shader. Thanks, John! Click here to download the worksheet. For lesson plans for this session, Click Here!
After watching the video, you might wish to spend time reading the related scriptures or journaling the questions below. Finally, you might enjoy watching the supplemental video about ISIS destroying the Shrine of Jonah in Nineveh recently.
Video Length: (10:43)
Scriptures: The book of Jonah, 2 Kings 14: 23-29, Matthew 12: 38-42, Luke 11:29-32, Matthew 16:4
1. What new thing did you learn about Jonah?
2. What do you think Jonah meant when he said to watch out or we could spend time, "In the belly of Sheol?" What evidence might Jonah give to support his claim that the church in America could be there right now?
3.What did God say to you personally through hearing the message of the prophet Jonah?
4. If you could ask Jonah a question, what would it be?
Don't miss this three minute video, and also the one below! This tells of archeological finds uncovered recently in ancient Nineveh, which is modern day Mosul. EXCELLENT!!!! (Smithsonian)
Watch this Smithsonian Channel Video (3:07)
Ancient Nineveh is modern day Mosul. Watch this short clip (which actually preceeds the one above) to see that ISIS came in and destroyed the Shrine of Jonah... so tragic, yet, new discoveries were made under the rubble. (3 min. )
If you would like to read the entire script, I have included it here:
When God commanded me to go to Nineveh, I did not want to go. Why? Because I was angry at them, the Assyrians. They were the enemy of the people of Yahweh! They were a brutal, cold calculating bunch. They destroyed entire villages, raped the women, and tortured the men. I loved being a prophet of Yahweh, but I certainly did NOT want to go to Nineveh. Nineveh was the thriving capital of the Assyrian Empire, the population at that time was roughly 600,000 people, second only in size to Babylon. It was huge, 60 miles in circumference. In fact, up until 1845 many scholars didn’t believe it existed! But I can tell you for a fact, it was real! In 1845 they found the city and began to uncover it, right across the Tigris River from modern Day Mosul, in Iraq. Now, right before I was sent there, they had just lived through 2 plagues, and watched a solar eclipse. They were ripe for judgment!
I was prophesying to King Jeroboam II at the time, in the Northern Kingdom. Yes I knew Hosea and Amos, too. They also spoke to King Jeroboam. I had correctly prophesied the expansion of the kingdom of Israel to the North… and I believe the time of prosperity made them prideful, and self-absorbed. But that is Hosea’s story. Both Hosea and Amos prophesied the downfall of the Northern Kingdom. In Hosea 11:5, Hosea warned that , “Assyria would be their king.”
Back to my story. I certainly did not want to travel a month’s journey 550 miles due north from Samaria, the capital of Israel at the time, to preach to people not only that I hated, but was afraid of! Great. Go to the guys that want to take you out and tell them they are messing up. What an assignment! Can you relate to this? I bet you have an enemy you would not want to be told to witness to! How would you like to be sent to Iran today? How about Saudi Arabia? Ok, you are getting the picture. Let’s try a bit closer to home. Is there any place in America you might not want to be sent to publicly preach repentance to? San Francisco? Downtown Portland?
So what did I do? I did what any self- respecting prophet would do! I tried to flee from the presence of the Lord. I went to Joppa (near Tel Aviv) and got on a boat to Tarshish! It was as far away from Nineveh as I could get, SW Spain! I did not want to go to Nineveh! I knew God. He was gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness. One who relents in doing harm. He was not going to judge them as they deserved… he was going to save them! I was going to tell them to repent or they be destroyed, and they would repent, and make ME look crazy!
Well, you know the story. We ran into a storm. Well, we didn’t “run into” it. Actually the Lord sent a great wind. Fat chance I could get away from his presence! He was there! The ship was about to be broken up, the men cast lots, and discovered I was the source of the trouble they were having. I offered to die, so that the others might live. They didn’t want to, but they threw me overboard. God knew it was going to happen. He “prepared” a fish to swallow me. Actually, the word means “large sea creature.” Whatever it was, it was a nightmare and my salvation both at the same time.
Believe me, this is something you do not want to have happen to you. Do you have any idea how acidic it is inside the belly of a fish? It was dark, it smelled, and it was downright frightening. I got my wish. I was separated from the presence of God for three days and nights. Finally, I cried out to the Lord. I had descended into the lowest place in the earth. I was not sure if I was alive or dead. It felt like I had gone to Sheol. (That’s a Hebrew word, sorry. You know this word as “hell.”)
Something happened to me in the belly of that fish. I was fleeing from God’s presence and I got my wish. I was cast out of His sight. It was an awful place to be. I can’t imagine willfully choosing to do that. I was ashamed. I don’t know how Yeshua did it! He chose to go to the cross, and be separated from his father. That is real love.
In my trouble, I sought the Lord. I kept picturing his temple in my mind. The waters surrounded me. But my soul prayed to God. You can read my prayer in my book. Believe me, I was quoting every psalm I could remember! Finally, I cried, “Salvation comes from the Lord!” I realized my sin. My disobedience. My pride. My desire to run. In that moment, I was saved. God’s mercy and grace saved ME! I heard him say something to the fish, I felt a big lurching feeling, was propelled forward, and found myself wrapped in rotting seaweed lying on the beach! I was quite a sight to see, but I was saved!! It’s a bit ironic don’t you think, that the Ninevites worshipped Dagon, the Fish God?
Once again, the Lord told me to go to arise and go to Nineveh and preach the message he would give me. This time I went. This is the message I was to preach. It was simple.
“Yet 40 days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown.” It took me three days to walk the entire length of the city, preaching this message over and over. I am not certain, but I believe they knew I had correctly prophesied the military victories that Israel had just won in very close proximity to them. They knew Israel had a strong military strength, and a strong God!
Then something amazing happened. They repented! They wore sackcloth and sat in ashes! The king commanded them to fast, and turn from their evil and violent ways. And they did. They were crying out to God to change his mind. You guessed it. God was merciful! He spared the city!
I’m not very proud of what I did next. I went out of the city and pouted. I just sat there and had it out with God. He gave me a talking to. What a hypocrite I was! If God saved me from death when I repented, why was I not thrilled when he saved 600,000 others? Again, God gave me a lesson. He sent me a plant, to shade me, and then took it away. I had pity on the plant, but I could not have pity for the people, he said. But God loved those people, and had created and nurtured them. I had not done anything personally for the plant. God taught me pity for the wicked… I really had none. He showed me my own sin. He is a loving God—I learned that! He forgave me, and you….
My story is a prophecy in a story. I represent the church in your day. You are called to witness to a wicked, dying world, just like Nineveh. Instead, much of Yeshua’s bride is on a ship to Tarshish, partying on the boat. Interested in programs and parties, holidays and field trips, and completely ignoring the church’s main mission of evangelizing the wicked and discipling new converts. Watch out! God might think you need to spend time “in the belly of Sheol.” Separated from his presence!
I believe that may be happening in America now! Covid 19? The fires and hurricanes? The election? The church is in the belly of Sheol right now. The church is being transformed. Something is happening to the church just like something happened to me! I encourage you, fire up church and get on mission again! Seek the Lord and his presence! Cry out to him! Go where he calls you to go, and say what he tells you to say!
Be prepared emotionally, because many of the wicked may repent! And do not judge! The church cannot sulk, like I did, when many are forgiven or find mercy.
You may think my story is a bit "fishy." It is hard for me to believe it myself! But Jesus Christ himself spoke of me as a prophet of Yahweh. And he confirmed that I did indeed spend three days and nights in the belly of a fish. If it weren't for that, I am not sure anyone would believe me!
What happened next to Nineveh? Well, that is another prophet’s story. His name was Nahum. He’s around here somewhere… I am sure you won’t want to miss hearing from him. I am not letting him off the “hook!” In the meantime… let’s check in with Hosea and Amos!