The Minor Prophets: #12 Malachi
My name is Malachi which means, My Messenger. Or “Messenger of Yahweh!” Walk with me for a while and let me tell you about the message I was called to deliver. I am so privileged to be his messenger! His message through me is in the book with my name, the last book in the Old Testament. You could say God gave me the last word on the subject!...
Here we are at the end of our study! Thank you for walking with the minor prophets with me! I have learned so much, I hope you have, too. The book of Malachi closes the Old Testament.
Malachi lived with the exiles who returned from Babylon during the time of Nehemiah. Nehemiah, the cupbearer to the king of Persia, returned to Jerusalem with a fully funded mission to rebuild the city of Jerusalem, the walls and houses. Meeting much opposition from the local power brokers, but pushing through, they completed the wall in 52 days! However, the spiritual condition of the people was declining again. God warned them that if they did not show him correct honor and reverence, he would look for others to accomplish his mission. And he did. The prophets were silent for 400 years, until the time of Jesus, and the birth of His church. However, God made promises to Israel that he intends to keep! One day, the nation of Israel will also be saved by Jesus!
In the book of Malachi we see that God calls the Israelites out over some of their behaviors... behaviors we as the church of Jesus Christ still struggle with today. Chad Matthews narrates Malachi's message beautifully...thanks, Chad! If you would like to download the scriptures and questions, click here! For a worksheet, click here! (14:50) Finally, for a lesson plan for this session, CLICK HERE!
Scriptures: The Book of Malachi, 1 Peter 2:9, Hebrews 4:12, 2 Cor 13:5,Matthew 24:4, 2 Cor 5:10
What was the most significant part of this lesson for you personally?
Which one, if any, of the points Malachi made convicted you? How?
What do you think God means when he says that the fathers should turn their hearts toward their children?
If you had been living at the time of Malachi, what would you have done when hearing his words? What do they compel you to do now?
Reflect for a moment on the entire study of the 12 Minor Prophets. What is your greatest take away? Do you have a favorite prophet? Why do you think it is important for Christians to study the minor prophets?
Activity: Read the list of Malachi's 7 points here. Put a check mark by any of the charges God brought against them that you feel personally convicted of. Then, spend time in silent prayer, asking God for forgiveness, and ask him to help you repent of these behaviors. Finally, if you would like to do so, sign a "scroll of remembrance" and seal it with a wax seal.
Don’t say or believe that God does not love you. “God, How have you loved me?” Malachi 1:2.
Revere and honor God. Give acceptable offerings.”Where is my reverence? Where is my honor?” Malachi 1:6.
Watch your words. Don’t complain! “You say, Oh, what weariness, and you sneer at it…” Malachi 1:13
Represent the word of God accurately. “But you have departed from the way, you have caused many to stumble.” Malachi 2:8.
Treat others correctly, especially your spouse. Marriage is God’s holy institution. Marry within the faith and stay married. Do not weary God by calling what is evil good, and saying that God agrees with you! . Malachi 2:10-17.
Return to God. Repent! Jesus is coming again to judge the earth! Israel will accept him and be saved. Their priests will be purified. Malachi 3:1-4
Pay your tithes and offerings. “Will a man rob God?” Malachi 3:8-10
Activity: Join me in praying for our nation a few minutes each day with prayers based upon the book of Malachi. It is time for us to pray!
Enjoy this 3 min. video.
Here is the rest of the text of the video if you would like to read it...
I lived in the time of Nehemiah. What a time that was! To worship Yahweh at the newly rebuilt temple in Jerusalem, built under the direction of Zerubabel and Joshua! Jeremiah told us we would return to the land after 70 years of captivity in Babylon and build it again, and we did! Imagine our excitement when later, Nehemiah arrived with the resources granted to him by the king of Persia, to rebuild the walls and the city! We worked with much opposition from our enemies, but God was with us! The wall was completed. Be sure to read the book of Nehemiah to read the miraculous account of all God did among us.
But, many of God’s people who returned from the captivity had fallen away from Yahweh. While they doubted His love for them, in reality, they were the ones that had strayed from God. I was sent to deliver words from the heart of God to the people. How quickly they had turned away! After all Yahweh had done for us!
Ah, but I am here, not to speak only of the past of my people, but for the future! Your future. The future of my people, Israel, right now, and also you followers of Yeshua, Jesus, grafted into the root. What advice would I give to you, this last day’s generation? You lovers of Christ?
God’s word is timeless. His message to them, was also His message to you. The word of God is alive and active and sharper than any sword. His word, if you are truly in the faith, will pierce you and challenge the thoughts and intents of your heart. I am praying it does so now.
Let me break down my message to you.
God brings charges against the people in the form of questions. Here is the first one… “ “I have loved you,: and I, Malachi, might personally add, blessed you, never left you, hovered over you, stayed with you… and so forth! “yet you say to me, God, How have you loved me?”
Really, Really? Is this generation not the same? Do you not see how God has blessed you? Your families, your country? Do you really believe the blessings of Yahweh are creations of your own labor? Do you believe your prosperity is your own doing?When things don’t go well for you, when there are disasters, like hurricanes or fires, or plaques, (like Covid,) when I must discipline you for your own good, does that make you think I don’t love you anymore? You must examine your own sin! Your apathy as a people!
You are in a privileged place of being my child. Let me guess. You have an unbelieving brother, sister, child or mother in your family. Right? Everyone has a relative like that. Your “brother” who is not a follower of Jesus, Yeshua, has no hope! He will live in the Territory of Wickedness. Once he or she dies, he cannot return or rebuild like the Israelites did. Count your blessings! And attribute them to me! Be thankful you have wisdom and understanding! Check your heart. Everything you have and can do, everything comes from me.
#2 If our God, Yahweh is a great God, a creator God, a savior God, a loving and providing God, an eternal God, does He not deserve the highest honor and reverence?
Yet, God is offended , yes wounded, by His people’s treatment of Him. He is treated with lack of reverence and respect. He Himself asked,
“Where is my reverence? Where is my honor?” He is disappointed with our sacrifices… sacrifices of worship, praise, time and money. It is disrespectful to give God “blemished” or shabby offerings. He says, “ How do you expect me to bless you when you bring me half hearted offerings?”
God interprets our actions as lack of respect and honor for him. He told the Israelites, “I will not accept your offerings!” Don’t let yourself get in that position with God. I am telling you, it was not a good place to be. Be careful! You are under grace, yes this is true. But do you really believe your actions do not matter? May it never be! Your lack of honor grieves the heart of God!
In my book, you can read about the real life consequences of disrespecting and dishonoring Yahweh. God told the Jewish remnant if they would not show Him reverence, he would move on, calling and blessing other people, people all over the globe, who WOULD honor and revere Him. The people He was speaking of then, was you! The followers of Yeshua! He told them His name would be great in your eyes. You! Yes you! So how do your actions show you honor His great name? With acceptable offerings! Offerings of time, resources, worship and ministry. Offerings of obedience!
If I may, offer my own Malachi-type advice in this, you can also honor Him by simply using the gift He has given you. When a person gives you a gift, do you not use it, enjoy it, or display it, to honor the giver? Use the gifts God has given you! Ah, but I have digressed. Let’s move on to number 3.
#3 One thing God never liked throughout history and still dislikes today is, guess what? Complaining. Hah! You thought I would say something else! Yes, complaining. Watch your words. Remember the Israelites in the desert? Just a tip from me, Malachi. Please, don’t grumble about “having “ to go to church, doing your devotions, praying, or giving your tithes and offerings. This sort of kills a relationship, don’t you think? Remember, your attitude reveals what is in your heart. God knows when you are not giving Him the best you have or simply are just going through the motions in your worship of Him.
#4 You don’t mind an Old Testament prophet quoting a disciple of Yeshua, do you? His name was Peter. In his letter, 1 Peter 2:9 you can see that he reveals the news that all believers in the Messiah, Jesus, are a royal priesthood! Priests and kings. So this next part is not just about OT priests, but about you, too!
In my day, in the time of Nehemiah, God was angry at the priests because they were not representing him or his word correctly. It was important in that day, just like it is important in the last days that you are living in now, to know the word of God and teach it correctly. Remember, you, like me, are a messenger of the most high God. Get it right! Do not “corrupt” the scriptures by picking and choosing which ones to believe and which ones to disregard. Don’t alter them or leave parts out. The word of God is a carefully crafted message system. Study the manual!
God warns that in the last days many will be deceived. Be on guard! Watch your pride and don’t assume that you will not be sucked into the enemy’s plans. Study the scriptures yourself to know what they really say. Don’t trust your teachers…test their words against my Word.
# 5 Okay.. God wants you to treat him correctly, But he also wants you to treat others correctly. Here it comes! You, even Yeshua’s bride the church, have been dealing treacherously with one another! You may ask, How? Marriage is God’s holy institution. It is sacred and holy to Him. God hates divorce. You have not only been abandoning the wife of your youth but also marrying out of the faith to begin with. God is warning you, “Take heed to your spirit!” Yes, your spirit will be damaged if you treat each other poorly. And, even more importantly, God will no longer accept your offerings! Marry within the faith, and stay married. Yahweh desires godly offspring!
One of the biggest problems with the church in your day is that you weary God when you say evil is good in the sight of God, or that God delights in something evil. Do you really think that this thinking is okay with God, and that there will be no accountability for these things? Do you not fear God? Many in the church say that adultery, sorcery, lying, and many other things are okay with God. They are not! God delights in a church that teaches the entire word of God and stands upon it, speaking for truth. I am warning you now… judge yourself, lest you be judged by Him later! Even though you are a child of God by His grace, you will stand before Him at the Bema seat to give an account for what you have done in this life.
#6 God told me to prophesy, years ago, that in the last days he would send Messiah, his ultimate messenger, to His people Israel, just like He has already sent Him to you, the first time, when He died for you. In that day, salvation will come to Israel, too, and his priests will be sanctified again. He will refine and purify them and they will offer acceptable sacrifices and offerings once again. Watch for it! The time is coming! God is not finished yet with Israel. God says, ‘Return to me, and I will return to you! He is talking to Israel and to you!
Have my words motivated you to return? Oh yes, there are a few last words for you.
#7 If you are tithing, great. If not, I am going to be blunt…. You are robbing God. Do you see it that way? Tithing to God is giving him back what is his. Tithing shows you really believe what you say you believe. If you do this, God will open the windows of blessing for you and pour out such a blessing there will not be enough room to receive it. I, as one of the great cloud of witnesses, have watched God do this over and over as I have observed people over the ages. If you have not done this, test God and try it! It is the only thing we are allowed to test Him with. Want God to rebuke Satan in your life, and in your country? Try it!
Finally, again I say, put a watch on your mouth. Do not complain against God that he has not yet judged the wicked in your life, your culture, and your country. Have faith! His timing is for a reason. Trust Him in these days and stay close to Him. But do not complain! Complaining is a lack of trust in God’s authority and plan!
Now, back in Nehemiah’s time, after I delivered this message to Israel, the true believers, the ones that loved Yahweh with all their heart, got together and prayed and were sorry. God listened and heard them and recorded all their names on a scroll of remembrance.
Yes, he hears and knows the desires of each of our hearts. Be sure you confess your sins to God, too. Trust his son, Jesus, for your salvation by God’s grace. Also be ready to give a good report to the Lord for what you have done with your life. The new life that He has given you through Christ! Remember to appreciate all he has done for you! Give him honor and reverence. Remember, not to grumble and complain if he asks you to do something. Honor each other with your behavior, especially your spouse! Tithing is proof of your faith and trust in Him. Turn to God with your whole hearts! He will restore double unto you!
Oh, yes. A Great Day is coming. It is there, on the horizon. You can see the tension mounting. The wicked will be burned up! It will happen! But you, the ones who fear God, will arise with healing in your wings! Soon, very soon, Yeshua will return to set up his earthly kingdom. In the meantime, Watch for Elijah the prophet! He is coming back for the coming of “that day” or the “Great and Dreadful Day of the Lord.” The time is short. Fathers, turn your hearts totally to your children. And all of you, come to the throne of grace each day with acceptable sacrifices. You will need God’s instruction and intervention in these days now more than ever!