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The Minor Prophets: #11 Zechariah

I had just arrived in Jerusalem with the newly returned group of exiles. What an exciting time it was! In 539 BC, Cyrus, King of Persia, made a decree to allow a remnant of the Jewish nation to return home to Jerusalem and build the temple after 70 years in exile. For me, since I had been born in Babylon, this was an especially exciting event. My name is Zechariah, which means “Whom Yahweh Remembers.” I was a priest of Yahweh. What good is a priest without a temple? I was one of the first to sign up to return to Jerusalem with our leader, Zerubbabel and Joshua, the high priest.

The book of Zechariah is one of the most difficult books in the Old Testament to read, yet it is a treasure trove of hidden jewels for the diligent bible student. I love the challenging book of Zechariah! Many of the illustrations and metaphors used in the book of Revelation are found in this book, as well as prophecies about the Messiah, both at his first coming and his second.

Jason Burgess, my son Rob's college roommate, is the voice of Zechariah in this personal narrative message from the prophet. While Haggai’s main message was, “ Get the building project finished,” his was, “We need a spiritual revival! We have a spiritual heritage here to protect!” Enjoy listening to Zechariah tell his message for Israel, and for us today. To download a worksheet click here! For a list of scriptures and questions, click here. (9:37) For Lesson plan for this session, CLICK HERE!

Scriptures: Book of Zechariah, specifically 1:1-6, 1:16-17, 2:10-13, 2:5, 14:2, 13:8, 3:9, 6:12-13, 9:12, 11:4-17, 4:6 also Ephesians 2:21-22.


  1. In what ways was Zechariah's message the same as Haggai's? How was it different?

  2. Which part of this message stood out to you the most?

  3. How does the spiritual condition of individuals affect an entire nation? What is God's plan to help a nation get back on track? How do we return to him? What does that mean?

  4. How does knowing God's plan for the last days motivate you to help build his temple now? Why do you think he wanted them to know what was coming in their future? Why does he want US to know?

  5. What might your "small beginning" be?

  6. What does Zechariah 4:6 mean to us today?

  7. How can we see God's grace in the book of Zechariah?

We met the real-life "Indiana Jones" aka Bob Cornuke at a Christian conference led by Chuck Missler years ago. His presentation on the location of Solomon's temple, and Zerubbabel's temple was fascinating! Was the temple really up on the "temple mount" or was it located in the City of David, slightly lower on Mount Moriah? Don't miss this 30 minute presentation, as Bob searches for the real location of the temple.

Here is the rest of the text of the video, if you would like to read it:

As Haggai told you, however, the building project, which had started out with a bang, had come to a halt. Now, 17 years later, Haggai and I were called to stir up the hearts of the people to begin the building process once again.

My message from Yahweh took a different approach than Haggai’s. My message to the exiles was to tell them all about the future of the people of Israel. Learning about what God had planned in the days to come was to be their motivation for completing the temple! But more importantly, Yahweh wanted to motivate his people to return fully to Him. While Haggai’s main message was, “ Get the building project finished,” mine was, “We need a spiritual revival! We have a spiritual heritage here to protect!” They had no idea all the wonderful things God had in store for Israel!

First and foremost, my message from God’s heart of love was to each individual heart … Return to Me, and I will Return to you! Return to the stronghold you prisoners of Hope, and I will restore double unto you! Personal repentance is always a prerequisite for any fellowship with God. Yes, the temple had to be rebuilt! The Messiah’s future glory would one day inhabit it. But God was even more concerned about his people’s spiritual condition.What God wanted the people to see was that they were not building a building, but rather a future. Messiah was coming!

Unfortunately, the spiritual condition of the people was disintegrating again. I had to warn them. Don’t be like your fathers! Where are they now? They did not listen to the words of the prophets, and where did it get them? They were killed or taken into captivity! It is good for God’s people to love their fathers, but also to learn from their mistakes. God wanted the people to know his intent. He wanted to return to Jerusalem with his presence and mercy! He did want his house to be rebuilt. Not only that, it was his desire to bring prosperity, not only to Jerusalem, but to the little towns. (1:16-17) My words from Yahweh, allowed the people a glimpse of the future. Jerusalem was to be inhabited as towns without walls, because of the multitude of people that would be living there. This was hard to imagine at the time, because Jerusalem was a desolate piece of rubble with a handful of inhabitants. And, he promised his protection. “I will be a wall of fire all around her, and I will be the glory in her midst!” (2:5) Oh, how we longed for God’s glory! He was promising to dwell in our midst! (2:10)

The words of God written in my book tell even more about the Last Days. “Many nations will be joined to the Lord in that Day and become his people.” (2:11). At the time, we thought, “This is a profound mystery! How could this be?” Now, years later, we know that this was the work of God’s son, the Christ, beginning at his first coming, and will be his work again when he returns. You see, there will be a great battle against Jerusalem in the last days, when all nations will come against her. (14:2). Unfortunately about 2/3 of the Jewish people will be killed.(13:8) The rest of the Jews will be refined and tested by the Lord and will be saved by Yeshua. How will that happen? In those days, a spirit of grace will come over the Jewish people. They will,“...Look upon Jesus whom they have pierced! Yes, they will mourn for him as one mourns for his only son.” The Jews will finally see Jesus as Messiah and cry out to him. (12:10). At that time, “...the Lord will return and take possession of Judah and his inheritance in the Holy Land and will again choose Jerusalem.” Christ and his saints with him, will win the battle. (2:12) There will be worldwide judgment of nations at that time. Israel will be completely restored. Israel will no longer need the prophets because Messiah will be dwelling with them! What will happen to the nations that are left on the earth? During the Millennial Kingdom of Christ, they will be required to come up to Jerusalem year after year to keep the Feast of Tabernacles, worshiping God there!

Oh, there is so much to tell you! Come closer! The mysteries revealed in the text are like a divine treasure hunt!

My book of eight night visions and exhortations is the longest of the minor prophets and is also quoted 71 times in the New Testament! I suggest you read all 14 chapters yourself, and let the words soak in to you. It is similar to the book of Isaiah in some ways, because we both record many Messianic prophecies. I present Messiah as the Branch, the Stone, the Coming King, and the Shepherd. I foretell of his triumphal entry into Jerusalem on a colt, and also that he will be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver. God also reveals through me that Yeshua, Jesus, will die by crucifixion, and that he will come back for a second time at the end of the age. What a privilege to be the bearer of the news of our coming Messiah and king!!

But I also teach of a “worthless Shepherd.” Be watching! The apostle John calls him the antichrist. There are many names for him in God’s holy book. Here is a clue Yahweh gives about his identity. “A sword shall be against his arm, and against his right eye; His arm shall completely wither, and his right eye shall be totally blinded.”

So what is my message for you, today? You are asking this question, I know. What does this have to do with me? My message has the same meaning to you, as it did to them. God does want to build his temple, the temple of His Holy Spirit in your day! The apostle Paul wrote, “In Him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in him, you,too, are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.” Ephesians 2: 21-22.

Rise up! Rise up from self centered living, from being centered on your own lives, and building your own homes! Learn from the mistakes of your fathers and begin to build again! God has a spiritual heritage for you, your family and your nation. Get busy! While darkness is on the horizon, he has plans to dwell on the earth with you, with us, with them, once again! He is building you into a royal priesthood a holy house, with Christ Jesus as the cornerstone!”

What does God really want for your nation?

God wants a strong church, and an honest government in America. But what he really wants is for all America to return to Him. Only through a true spiritual revival can healing come to your land.

How can this happen? Return to Him, and He will return to you. He promises to restore us double if we return to him!

But you are saying, what can I do? I am the least in the Kingdom!

God told me not to despise the day of our small beginnings. Don’t doubt what the Lord can do with your small offering. Simply start by listening and obeying. Look for the opportunities to serve Him that he is presenting to you each day. Don’t miss your assignments!

What is your “small beginning?” Sharing the gospel with a neighbor? Fasting and praying? Even the smallest spark can ignite a gospel fire. We must move with the heartbeat of God, because the time is short. Oh, yes! His work will be done, ‘Not by might, not by power, but by my spirit saith the Lord.”




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