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The Major Prophets: Ezekiel Part 3 "The Lord is There"

Ezekiel has the privilege of recording two major prophetic events that have not yet been fulfilled. I long to see them in my lifetime-- the battle of Gog from Magog vs. Israel, and the building of the Millennial Temple, the Holy District, and the river of life!

Imagine what life will be like during the Millennium! Ezekiel gives us a glimpse of the glorious new temple, what the surrounding area would look like, how the land will be divided, the river of life that will flow from the throne of God, and much much more! He also tells of a great battle that comes against the people of Israel before that time. A coalition of nations will come together to attack God's people, but Yahweh himself will fight the battle for them. When will this battle take place? No one knows. Scholars have debated whether or not this is the final battle of the last days or not. Most scholars believe this will be a separate event. It was given for the "latter years" not the "last days." Who knows? This battle could happen any day!

Part three of Ezekiel is again narrated by Ezekiel's Aunt Tikva. I know you will be drawn into Ezekiel's visions, just like she was! For a copy of the lesson plan and video notes, Click Here!


Scriptures: Ezekiel 38-48

Discussion Questions:

  1. If you can, name something new you learned from the video. Why do you think this scripture is rarely studied in churches today?

  2. Ezekiel foretells a "latter days" battle known as the Battle of Gog of Magog. Do you believe this battle could happen soon? Why or why not?

  3. God is going to allow this battle to show himself strong to the world, but mostly to attract Israel's attention, to bring the country back to Him. What has God done in your life to attract your attention, to bring you back to him?

  4. Ezekiel was allowed to see the Glory of the Lord depart from the temple in Jerusalem, but then blessed to see the Glory of the Lord fill the Millennial Temple. Why do you think God wanted this vision to be recorded in his Holy Book?

  5. What was your greatest take away from learning about Ezekiel?

Enjoy this 3D animation of the temple (1:55)

Text of Ezekiel Part 3

My name is Tikva, which means Hope. I was with my nephew, Ezekiel, when he buried his beloved wife, Eliana, may she rest in peace. Such a young, beautiful bride she was! We were living with the captives of Judah along the River Chebar in Babylon. The city of Jerusalem had fallen, just as my nephew had prophesied. Although no one wanted to admit he had been right, at least now they were listening a little more closely to his words from Yahweh. We knew Jeremiah had prophesied we would be in Babylon for 70 years before we would be allowed to return. Israel had been in the land for 490 years… and during that time, according to the Torah, we had been commanded to let the land “rest” one year, every seven years. That meant that no crops were to have been planted that year. Rebellious Israel had never obeyed that command, so Yahweh told us, we were to be in Babylon for 70 years, to make up for our years of disobedience, and he was going to give the land a “rest” himself!

But Ezekiel, the watchman, was NOT to rest from giving the people messages from Yahweh. Tikva--hope--is what the people needed. We were safe in Babylon, worked hard as a community, and settled into daily life, a life of peace, just like Yahweh had promised. But we were slaves. We needed Hope, and longed for glimpses of the future. The future glory of Israel.

Soon after Ezekiel had prophesied about the regathering of the people to the land of Israel with his vision of the dry bones and and his message of hope regarding a united kingdom of Israel in future days, Ezekiel heard from Yahweh again. This time, the vision was definitely for the “latter years' ' (38:8) many days from now. Ezekiel told of a great battle that would take place against the united country of Israel. Israel in those days would be a peaceful people, dwelling without city walls, bars, or gates. ((38:11) But a coalition of countries would come against Israel, to plunder and take booty. The leader of this coalition, also known as “Gog” would be a mighty ruler, of Sythian descent, from the land of “Magog” or Russia, as you call it today. Some of our elders even discussed whether this “prince” of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal (Moscow, the Volga River, and Turkey) could be a prince of the air! In any case, a military force of the combined modern day nations of Russia, Turkey, Iran, Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, Ethiopia, and Libya, will ascend like a storm covering the land like a cloud! Saudi Arabia, and England will stand by and watch, but will not offer aid. There is no mention of the role of the current day United States.

I am so thankful Yahweh told us of this battle ahead of time, so that our people in the future would have hope, and be able to stay calm! Why? Because the entire battle was planned by Yahweh! When He supernaturally intervenes and wins the battle for Israel, Yahweh God will be hallowed by Gog’s defeat in front of the eyes of the world! Ah, yes, God’s fury will be unleashed upon Gog and his mighty army. First, there will be a mighty earthquake that will shake the entire earth! Then, He will bring Gog’s army to judgment with pestilence and bloodshed! There will be flooding rain, great hailstones (Like in Joshua’s day! God rest his soul…) and fire and brimstone--(Like in Lot’s day, God rest his soul!” ) God then promised that the attacking army would fall on the mountains of Israel, and become prey for the birds!

But Yahweh’s display of wonders would not be over yet. He would send “fire” on the homeland of Gog,( on Russia,) and on the coastlands. Then, what Yahweh desired most all along, the thing he really wanted to happen, would happen. God’s holy name will be known and revered by his people Israel once more, and they will finally know that Yahweh was the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, after fighting that great battle for them! Additionally, the other nations would also know it was Yahweh doing the fighting! Oh, how I hope to see that day! What a day! Ezekiel told us that the people of Israel will be burying the bodies of our enemies for seven months! And they will have enough fuel from burning the discarded battle weapons to last for seven years! What happens to their leader? Gog? He will be buried in Israel , along with his army, and they will name his burial ground, the “Valley of Gog’s Multitude!”

I still wondered, why would God allow, no cause, this horrible battle to happen? Was there no other way? If you haven’t noticed, he has been busy in your day with trying to attract Israel’s attention! Oy vEy! As a nation, my people have been a wicked and rebellious country, full of violence and idolatry. But after the Battle of Gog, from the land of Magog, The house of Israel will KNOW that Yahweh is the Lord, their God! From that day forward there will be No going back! From that day on, God will no longer hide his face from His chosen people, and even better, he will send Israel His Spirit! (39: 17-29).

After Ezekiel relayed this vision, much time passed, and Yahweh was silent for a time. Occasionally we heard from Jeremiah’s family, and from Daniel, but there were no new messages or warnings from Yahweh. Then, 14 years after the fall of Jerusalem, the hand of the Lord came upon Ezekiel once again, for one final, magnificent prophetic vision. He wanted Ezekiel to know that he would, once again, rebuild “ the desire of Israel’s eyes.” Just as Ezekiel would see his beloved Eliana again,(the desire of his eyes, God rest her soul) so too would Israel behold their temple in the last days. He took Ezekiel back into the visions of God, back to Jerusalem once more.

First he took him and set him on the top of a very high mountain where he could see a great city. The man who escorted him throughout the vision had an appearance of bronze. He had a line of flax, and a measuring rod in his hand. He told him to pay attention closely, so that he could tell the house of Israel everything he had seen.

So, Ezekiel watched carefully, as the man-angel transported him to see an amazing structure--the future temple of Yahweh! His guide showed him the outside wall, and the Eastern and Southern entrance gates. As he walked around the different parts of the temple such as the outer courts,, the chambers for the singers and priests, the sanctuary and the entire temple area, Ezekiels’ bronze guide measured each part precisely so Ezekiel could carefully record the dimensions! (Ezekiel 40-42) When they were finished, the guide brought Ezekiel to the Eastern gate. He looked up, and behold, the glory of the God of Israel was coming from the way of the east! His voice was like the sound of many waters, and the earth shone from his glory! He described the glory he saw as being identical to the vision he saw by the River Chebar! Ezekiel was so overwhelmed by it, he fell on his face. (43:3)

The spirit of the Lord lifted him up and brought him into the inner court of the temple. Do you know what? He saw the glory of the Lord fill the temple again! Just as he had seen it depart from the first temple, he witnessed the glory fill this new one! Then a voice from the glory cloud spoke to Ezekiel, while a man stood next to him. What He said next was amazing. Ezekiel was careful to record all that was said. (43:3)

This would be the place of the throne of Yahweh! This would be the very place where the Lord would dwell in the midst of Israel forever. No more would the children of Israel defile his holy name in his glorious temple! Ezekiel was instructed to describe God’s House to the “house” of Israel, and keep record of the pattern and the measurements. When they finally became ashamed of all they had done as a people, they were to be made aware of Ezekiel's blueprint of the temple, so that they could keep it’s whole design and construct it when the time came!

But that was not all… Oy Vey, you must read his writings! There would be many new ordinances and laws regarding the new temple! For example, the Eastern Gate would be shut! No man could enter by it, because God had entered it. The “prince” may sit in it to eat bread, but no one else could accompany him. And… they needed to pay close attention to who they would allow INTO the temple! No more foreigners or those uncircumcised in heart and flesh… They had defiled the previous house of the Lord. Now, ONLY the priests of the line of Zadok, not even all of the descendants of Aaron, could minister to God in the sanctuary to offer the fat and the blood.(44:15) The priests were to wear linen garments (no wool!) and were not allowed to shave their heads, nor let their hair grow long. They had to keep their hair well trimmed. They were to be the teachers of Israel, to teach the people the difference between the holy and unholy, the clean and unclean. Further, the priests would operate as the judges of Israel in controversies, and make sure that the Sabbaths were hallowed. (44)

Did you know that in the future there will be a “holy district” in Israel? It will be roughly 7.1 by 5.68 miles wide. In the holy district there will be a square plot for the sanctuary, the most holy place. This holy section of land will belong to the priests, who come near to minister to the Lord, and they will live there in their houses. There will also be an area designated for the Levites, about half of that size. Next to the holy district, there will be a strip of land that will be common land, owned by all Israel. The “Prince” of Israel will have a section on one side. The prince will not be allowed to own or purchase any property outside his allotted section. (Chapter 45)

Who will be this “Prince” of Israel? How will he be chosen? I wish I knew! However, God was careful to set laws defining the behaviors and roles of the future “princes.” For example, there could be no violence or plundering. The prince must rule with justice and honest scales. Yahweh even defines and changes the measuring system for us! The prince was to provide livestock for offerings given at the Feasts Days--the Passover, Feast of Tabernacles, Year of Jubilee, the Sabbaths and New Moons, and even the daily sacrifices. So much would be similar, yet different!

Then, the angel/man brought Ezekiel back to the door of the temple. He looked, and there was water, flowing from under the threshold of the temple pouring out toward the east. (Remember, the front side of the temple always faced east!) Under the right side of the temple, south of the altar, it was like a spring bubbling up from the fountain of God! Ezekiel held us all spellbound as he described what happened as he and his “angel/guide” followed the stream. The water flowed downhill eastward and as it flowed it became deeper and deeper. By the time they were 6000 feet from the source, it was a huge river--large enough to swim across! The new “healing river” flowed all the way down to the Jordan Valley and entered the Dead Sea! And do you know what happened next? The entire dead sea was “healed’ and came to life! Fish could live there! Moreover, every place the river flowed came alive, too! It brought life! Ezekiel saw fishermen lining the banks of the river, spreading their nets! Along the banks of the river, all kinds of fruit trees grew! Yahweh said, their leaves would never wither, and their fruit would never fail! They would bear fruit every month of the year, because their water flowed from the sanctuary. And the leaves? They would be used for medicines! Oh, how I wish I long to see God’s river of life!

God gave Ezekiel further instructions regarding the allotment of the land, similar to the ones he gave Joshua the first time they entered the promised land, but different, too. After defining the borders of the land of Israel, he instructed them to divide the land according to the tribes of Israel by lot. The tribe of Joseph would receive two portions, of course, and this time, any stranger dwelling among a tribe could have a portion of inheritance property also. So the land was divided up by the Lord God with a section for each tribe, The map of the portions looked like a stack of rectangles, one for each tribe, from north to south. (See map.) Dan’s portion was on the northern border, and Gad’s was along the Southern border, with the other tribes and the Holy District in between. Of course, the holy city would be in their midst. The gates of the city would be named for the 12 tribes of Israel. And the name of the city, the new name? It will be, “The Lord is There.” Oh, how I long to dwell in the presence of Yahweh again!

From our vantage point right now, on the Chebar River, in the foreign land of Babylon, things weren’t going our way. But our hope, our Tikvah, was that one day, our nation would be revived and come to life again. Once again God would dwell in our midst, and we would be his people and he would be our God. Ezekiel and I never made it back to Jerusalem or to Judah when the exiles returned to rebuild the temple. God took us home, home to Eliana, before the 70 years were up. But Joshua and Zeubabbel, along with many others did eventually return. God’s plans for us truly were for our good, and not for evil, to give us a future and a hope.




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