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The Major Prophets: Daniel Part 4 "Daniel's Final Vision"

The magnificent visions in the book of Daniel are some of the most discussed and debated texts of the Bible.There are as many ideas as to what each vision means as there are Bible teachers. Maybe it is because God told Daniel to "seal up the visions" for the time of the end! The most important thing is that you personally read the text for yourself in the most accurate interpretation of the original Aramaic or Hebrew, or even the Greek translation from the Septuagint. Then pray and see what God reveals to you about the vision!

In Chapter 10, we are allowed to see a glimpse into the hidden spiritual warfare that is going on around us all the time. The Bible speaks of this in Ephesians Chapter 6. Through this chapter in Daniel, we are encouraged to put on the whole armor of God!

Chapters 11 and 12 reveal the actual final vision itself. Who are the major players in this text? Who is the King of the North? The King of the South? What is meant by that? Have these prophecies already been fulfilled or are they about to happen?

Enjoy this final video as Queen Esther (Shelly Matthews) describes to us the final vision in Daniel. Click Here for Lesson Plan Chapter 10. For Chapter 11, Click Here! For Chapter 12 Click Here! (15:41)

Discussion Questions For Daniel Chapter 10: Video (0:00-4:00)

  1. What stood out to you the most about this chapter?

  2. What is God teaching us about the hidden war going on in the metacosm? Why do you think he does not allow us to see it all the time?

  3. Why did it take so long for the angel to arrive? Who was the angel? Who helped the angel?

  4. Who is the “Prince of Persia?”

  5. How is a fallen angel different than a demon?

  6. Why was Daniel fasting?

Supplemental Materials:

Here is a clip (11:47) of Chuck Missler teaching about the Unseen World.

Chapter 11 Discussion Questions:

  1. What about this section of scripture makes it so confusing? Why do you think God wanted us to know these details of history that took place during the 200 years before the time of Christ?

  2. What stood out to you the most in this chapter?

  3. God gives us a detailed timeline of gentile history during this period of time. What were the Jews doing during this same time period? What verses describe that?

  4. Antiochus Epiphanes was an evil ruler. What new clues do we know about antichrist through studying Antiochus?

  5. Was there anything in this chapter that surprised you? Why or why not?

  6. Does anyone in our world today have the same characteristics as Antichrist? Who would that be?

Don't miss this quick (2 minute) discussion of what we can expect Antichrist to be like.

Timeline for the Fall of Judah and Jerusalem, Jeremiah/Ezekiel/Daniel

Red/Judah, Blue/Prophets/Orange/Babylon Green/Persians

*Son of Josiah **Grandson of Josiah

639-609 BC King Josiah reigns in Judah

629 BC Jeremiah Called

612 BC Fall of Ninevah (Assyrian capital)

605 BC Fall of Assyrians to Babylon

609 BC * King Jehoahaz reigns (3 months) Taken to Egypt

609-597 BC *King Jehoiakim reigns

605 BC Babylon’s First attack of Jerusalem, Daniel Taken with Exiles to Babylon

604 BC Nebuchadnezzar's First Dream

597 BC **King Jehoachin reigns (3 months) 2nd Babylonian Attack of Jerusalem Ezekiel and the king taken with Exiles to Babylon

597- 586 BC *King Zedekiah reigns (11 years)

592 BC Ezekiel called while in Babylon to be a prophet, First Vision

588 BC Third Siege of Jerusalem by Babylon

586 BC Jerusalem falls to Babylon, Jerusalem Destroyed Jeremiah presides over the death of Judah and Jerusalem, the country falls to Babylon after the third Siege

586 BC Jeremiah released, Gedaliah appointed governor

572 BC Ezekiel’s final vision of the Temple

562 BC. Nebuchadnezzar's Second Dream (Chapter 4)

561 BC Nebuchadnezzar becomes insane (Chapter 4)

554 BC Nebuchadnezzar is well, and is reinstated as king

562 BC Nebuchadnezzar dies. His son, Evil Merodach becomes king, Releases King Jehoiachin from Prison

559 Neriglissar (son in law) takes throne in army coup

555 Another coup, and Neriglissar's son takes the throne, he loses it to another son in law, Nabonidus

553 Nabonidus takes the throne, leads army to Northern Arabia, puts his son Belshazzar as co-regent in Babylon

552/53 Daniel’s 2 Dreams Chapters 7 and 8

539 BC King Cyrus (Emperor) takes Babylon for Persia, King Darius set up as King in Babylon, Belshazzar of Babylon is killed

539 BC The Edict of Cyrus, The Jews Return Home with Joshua and Zerubbabel

539-530 BC Cyrus is King (Emperor) of Persia, Darius is king in the area of Babylon within the empire

538 BC Daniel’s Vision Chapter 9, Daniel in Lion’s Den, Daniel Rises to power in Persia

536 BC Daniel’s Final Vision (Chap 10-12)

529-522 Cambyses is Persian King (son of Cyrus)

522 Artaxerxes (very short time)

520-486 Darius I Hystaspes (Not the same one as the Lions’ Den)

486-465 Xerxes I (Husband of Esther) Book of Esther

465- 425 Artaxerxes Longimanus (Nehemiah 2)

457 BC Ezra sent back to Jerusalem to teach the people by Persian King Artaxerxes

445 BC (March 14) Nehemiah sent to Jerusalem to rebuild the City and Walls, By Decree of Artaxerxes

334-323 Alexander the Great (Greece)

After 323 Four generals divide the Empire: Cassander, Lysimachus, Selucus, and Ptolemy (Daniel 11-12)

Timeline for Daniel Chapter 11

334-323 Alexander the Great (Greece) takes out the Persians under Darius III

After 323 After Alexander dies, four generals divide the Empire: Cassander, Lysimachus, Selucus, and Ptolemy (Daniel 11-12)

323-285 Ptolemy I Soter is the “King of the South” over Egyptian area, Seleucus Nicator is “King of the North” Sets off 150 plus years of Warfare between the two.

321 Ptolemy takes Jerusalem

316 Selucus takes Jerusalem from him

312 Ptolemy takes it back

283- 245 Ptolemy II (Builds the great library of Alexandria, The Septuagint

246-226 Selucus II Callinicus set on throne by his mother. ( Bernice, Ptolemy II’s daughter, is sent to marry the son of Seleucus, Antiochus II. His first wife Laodicia murders Bernice and Antiochus II and puts her own son, Selucus II on the throne. (v. 6)

245-(221) Ptolemy III Euergetes, brother of murdered Bernice, invades Syria, overruns

The Selucid Empire in the North, takes Damascus (plunders gold, silver, idols) (v. 7,8)

243 Selucus II reorganizes and tries to attack Egypt, with no luck. Later, his son, Selucus III is murdered, and Antiochus III (The Great) takes over (v 9 and 10)

223-187 Antiochus III is now the King of the North

221-203 Ptolemy IV Philopator rules as King of the South

221 Ptolemy IV marches through Judea and attacks Antiochus III

219 The Battle of Raphia (south of Gaza near Egypt) The South had 70,000 men. Ptolemy IV. The North had 60,000. Antiochus III. The North was defeated and a peace treaty was signed. Ptolemy IV, the victorious leader, tries to enter the holy of holies, but becomes paralyzed. Persecution of the Jews begins in Judea. (v 11-14)

203-181 Ptolemy V rules, beginning at age 4!

191 Antiochus III attacks the South again.

197 BC Antiochus III attacks Cilcia, Lycia, Caria. His daughter, Cleopatra, given to Ptolemy V as a bride. The King of the North gives Syria, Phonecia and Judea to Ptolemy V as a dowry. However Cleopatra sides with her new husband and Rome.

196 Antiochus III moves away from the South and attacks Greece and Asia

191 Antiochus III defeated by the Romans (in Greece) and is ruined. Was forced to give up all lands in the NE of his kingdom.

187-175 The new king of the North, Selucus IV Philopater, began to heavily tax the people of Judea to pay his Roman tribute. He is murdered in 175 BC

175-164 Antiochus Epiphanes takes over as King of the North, with intrigues. He attacks Egypt two times. The Romans are beginning to take over (v. 30)

They push Antiochus Epiphanes back to Judea. This is when the famous Abomination of Desolation takes place. Then the Jews revolt (Maccabean revolt/Hanakkah)

146 Rome Conquers Greece as follows:

133 Lysimachus’s kingdom falls

64 Seleucid Kingdom falls (King of the North)

31 Battle of Actium (Ptolemy’s Kingdom falls in Egypt) King of the South

44 Julius Caesar assassinated

2 BC Jesus is Born

Questions for Chapter 12 "Final Words" Video 4: 11:00-end


  1. What happens to the OT Jews? Are they “saved” or not? How are they judged?

  2. What does, “Having your name in the book of Life” mean?

  3. What happens after the 7 year tribulation for the final 45 days before the Millennial Kingdom begins?

  4. What question do you think you might like to ask Daniel?

  5. Which of the 12 chapters of Daniel did you like studying the most? The least? Why?

  6. Why do you think God told Daniel to “Seal up the scroll until the time of the end?” What do you think that means?

  7. What do you think it might look like, in modern terms, for Antichrist to erect the abomination of desolation in the temple?

  8. What was your favorite bible verse in the book of Daniel?

  9. What new thing about Daniel will you remember from this study?

Closure and Prayer: Have the class write their verses out on rocks, and have a time of prayer, asking God to unseal the scroll so that we can understand its meaning right now.

Enjoy this 3 minute video showing the Tomb of Daniel in Susa.

To read about what the people of Islam believe about the prophet Daniel, Click HERE!

Table of Contents of the Daniel Class

Part One: Daniel and Nebuchadnezzar (Babylon)

Chapter 1; The Exile

Chapter 2: Nebuchadnezzar’s Statue Dream

Chapter 3: The Fiery Furnace

Chapter 4: Nebuchadnezzar Becomes a Beast, A Lesson in Pride

Part Two: Daniel and Belshazzar (Babylon)

Chapter 7: Daniel’s Vision of the 4 Beasts

Chapter 8 Daniel’s Vision of the Ram and the Goat

Chapter 5: The Writing on the Wall

Part Three: Daniel and the Persian Empire

Chapter 6: Daniel and the Lion’s Den

Chapter 9: The Prophecy of the 70 Weeks

Part Four: Daniel’s Final Vision (Persian Empire) (Chapters 10, 11, 12)

Chapter 10: Daniel sees the “man in linen”/ Spiritual Warfare

Chapter 11: More prophecy about the Greek Empire and Antiochus

Chapter 12: Final Words, End times

Here is the text of the video:

Daniel Part 4: Final Visions, Chapters 10-12

When Mordecai and I would go through the scrolls written by Daniel, I was amazed at how close he was to God, and at the detailed visions he was given. Looking back now, his writing very accurately predicted the history of the gentile empires that ruled and reigned in the Middle East, before Messiah and beyond. My name is Hadasseh, but you know me as Esther, the queen of the Persian empire. I have been asked to share with you all I know about this beloved prophet of the people of Israel.

In Daniel’s later years, we find him living and working as a top administrator in the Persian Empire. What a miracle! God had previously promoted him to chief of the wisemen in the Babylonian Empire, and now, he had also risen to a position of influence as one of the three top officials in the Persian Empire as well. Remember the story of Daniel being thrown into the lion’s den? He survived the plot to take his life by those envious of his position, remaining loyal to Yahweh all the while. He happily watched as the Jewish exiles were allowed to return to Judah and Jerusalem to rebuild the temple, and in his eighties, he received even more visions and prophecies that were to be recorded for Yahweh’s holy book.

The first of these latter visions is recorded in Chapter 10. It was in the third year of Cyrus, king of Persia… now two years after he had last heard from the angel Gabriel. The scroll reports that Daniel was in mourning for three full weeks. He was partially fasting, and was with a group of men who were also praying by the Tigris River. Why was he mourning? Daniel had had a new vision, which he did not understand, and it had made him sorrowful and taken his strength. He wanted to know what would happen to his people, Israel, in the latter days. The others wanted to know, too! Here we go!

He lifted up his eyes and saw a man in linen. His face was like lightning, and he had eyes of fire. His voice was different, like the voice of a multitude. No one but Daniel saw the vision, but at the moment the man in linen appeared, the scripture says a terror fell upon the other men and they ran to hide! Who was this “angel?” He is not named, so we don’t know. Could this man have been the Christ? This question has been debated for the ages. See what you think! Daniel was also afraid, and fell with his face to the ground. Suddenly a hand touched him. And the man in linen said to him, “Oh, beloved Daniel, stand up! Don’t fear!” What happened next gives us an amazing glimpse into the spiritual world, a dimension beyond our sight. So much is going on in the heavenly realm that we cannot comprehend!

Speaking directly to Daniel, this angel went on to explain, that he would have arrived just after Daniel and the men had started to pray, but he had been battling the Prince of Persia (a powerful fallen angel who had dominion over the Persian Empire), for twenty one days, and finally Michael, the Prince of Israel, a holy angel, had come to help him in the battle. This angel in linen had been sent by Yahweh to help Daniel understand the vision, which was for many days yet to come. As he spoke, Daniel became less fearful, and became stronger. The angel went on to reveal to Daniel that he could be with him only a short time. He had to return to battle the Prince of Persia, and following that, the Prince of Greece. The battle was difficult, he confided, because he had no one helping him, except Michael. He reassured Daniel that he had been there all along, though, confirming and strengthening Darius, to Daniel’s benefit!

Then, the angel went on to explain what would happen to our people, the Jews, in the future. There would be three more kings of Persia, and then the fourth (my husband, Xerxes) would stir up a conflict with Greece. Xerxes was a very powerful king. He trained over 2 million warriors for four years, built special barges, and attacked Greece in 480 BC. This battle began a feud between the Persians and Greeks that lasted for many years.

However, this particular prophecy, given in detail, was not about the current empire of Persia, but was focused on the third kingdom, Greece, represented by the bronze belly and thighs of Nebuchadnezzar’s statue. Greece was also symbolically represented by the leopard with four wings in the vision of the four beasts, and also, the goat with one large horn, in the vision of the ram and the goat. In each of Daniel’s visions, more and more details are revealed regarding different periods of time. Remember that eventually, in 334 BC Alexander the Great, from Greece, who was a mighty king, ruled with great dominion! He conquered the known world at that time, including the Persian Empire. After his death, the kingdom was divided into 4 parts, and 4 of his generals each took a section to rule.

One of these generals, Ptolemy, ruled over Egypt, Cyrene, Arabia, and Petra. Another, named Seleucid, ruled Syria, and the lands to the East, all the way to India. The other two generals were given Asia Minor, Macedonia, and Greece. Now this new prophecy given to Daniel goes on to tell what would happen between these generals, particularly Ptolemy, “the King of the South” and Seleucid, the “King of the North.” Daniel’s vision, recorded in Chapter 11 is a detailed account of the ongoing conflict between these two dynasties for over 150 years. I will leave you to read it for yourself! Upon examination of history, years after the fact, this prophetic scenario was fulfilled in amazing detail. In fact, in chapter 11, verses 5-35, there are 135 prophetic statements. All of them came true! During this time, the great library in Alexandria was built and the Hebrew scriptures were translated into Greek, which was called the Septuagint translation . This back and forth between the Ptolemies and Selucids went on until finally, Rome defeated them both.

Near the end of this conflict between the Ptolemies and the Seucids, the “little horn” from the vision in Daniel Chapter 8, appeared on the goat that represented the Greek Empire. Remember, there was the large horn (Alexander) and then the smaller 4 notable horns, (the four generals). Then, out of one of the notable horns, came a little horn, which grew exceedingly great to the south, the east and Israel. This horn, or ruler, can now be identified as the King of the North, from the Seleucid (Syrian) dynasty, named Antiochus Epiphanes. He took the throne in 175-164 BC. Now right about now, you may be yawning and wondering, why do we care ? All scripture is important and this passage is no exception. Old Testament prophecy is usually fulfilled twice! This man clearly models a “type” of the antichrist! By studying him, we can observe his habits and behaviors that may help us identify this coming world leader as he emerges in the last days.

What are some of these behaviors? Let’s see. He gained the throne through many intrigues. His method of warfare was different, “unlike his fathers.” He robbed the richest places under his control! Because his father had been defeated in battle by the Roman Empire, he was required to give up any claims to land in Europe or Asia Minor. He was forced to pay heavy tribute to the Romans. Where would he come up with the money? He took it out on his own people, plundering the temples found in the remaining part of his lands, including Israel. Not only were the people in Judea taxed to pay tribute to Rome, he polluted the sanctuary, took away the daily sacrifice, and placed the abomination of desolation in the holy of holies! Talk about the ultimate cancel culture! He corrupted the enemies of the Jews living in the area with flattery, and falsely engaged them to turn against God’s people and customs.

Here are a few more. Antiochus attacked his enemies when they least expected it! Because his empire was shrinking, he decided to try to take the pride of Egypt, the city of Alexandria! When he arrived, he discovered the Romans were already there, waiting for him. Turning back north, he camped once again in Judea, and took out all of his aggression on the people of Yahweh.

About this time, Daniel records, the people that know Yahweh will be strong and carry out great exploits!! And those of the people who understand, will instruct many, yet for many days the people of God will fall by the sword, and flame, by captivity and plundering. (11: 32). The scripture records further that when the people fall, they will be aided with help, but the so-called “help” will be a deception. God allows some of them to fall because he wants to refine and purify them, and make them holy, until the time of the end! This is a clue that hints that this prophecy will be fulfilled again, in the last days! Daniel’s vision is clearly speaking of the antichrist in the last days as well.

Then, this “king” Antiochus, or this king, Antichrist, shall do according to his own will. (36) He will exalt himself and magnify himself above every God, speaking horrible things against Yahweh, and will be allowed to prosper until “the end of the wrath” (or the tribulation). The time has been set, and it will not be altered. This satanic ruler shall not regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women. Instead, he will honor a god his fathers did not know, a god of fortresses. He will honor this god with money-- with gold, silver, jewels and other pleasant things. He will act against the strongest fortresses with the help of a foreign god, and he shall work to advance this false god’s glory. He shall rule over many and divide the land for gain.

This prophecy goes on to describe the time of the end. (40) A king will rise up from the south and attack the antichrist, who is symbolically the “king of the North.” There will be a great battle with weapons and ships, and antichrist will enter many countries and take them militarily, even Egypt, but not Edom, Moab, and Ammon. (Jordan) He will take all the treasure of Egypt, Libya, and Ethiopia!Rumors of opposition about to come from other parts of the world will make him even more furious and destructive.

In the final chapter of Daniel’s holy book, the prophecy about the end time continues. I just love the beginning of that chapter, “At that time, Michael, the great prince, will stand up!” The power in that verse gives me chills. There will be such a time of trouble, that Israel has never seen since they have been a nation. The Great Tribulation! At that time, Israel will be delivered! Anyone who has their name written in the book! The Old Testament saints will be resurrected… some to everlasting life, and some to everlasting contempt. The wise will shine like bright stars forever and ever!

Daniel, who was awestruck by the vision, was told to seal up the vision until the time of the end. At that time, many will run to and fro, and knowledge will increase! I see you all, in your day, flying in planes, and driving in cars, going to and fro on the earth, now! And knowledge? With the internet, satellites and computers, knowledge has exploded. Could the time be coming soon?

Daniel looked again at the river bank, and there were two more men there. One on each side of the river, and the man in linen, my guide, was above the waters. One of them asked the man, “When will this vision be fulfilled?” The man in linen lifted up his arms to heaven, and swore by Yahweh, that it shall be for a time, times, and half a time. And when the power of the holy people, Israel, was completely shattered, all would be finished.” Daniel looked up and admitted, he heard what was said, but had no clue what it meant! Upon asking for clarification, the angel told Daniel to go on his way. Some things would not be revealed until the time of the end. However he did tell him a few more things.

Many of the people in the end times will be purified, made white, and refined, but the wicked will be very wicked! There will be a division between the wise and the wicked in those days. The wise will understand, but the wicked, they will not. Bible scholars over the eons, tell us that time, times and a half time means 3 ½ years. The time of the Great Tribulation! And here is the final clue. From the time that the abomination of desolation is set up by the antichrist in the temple in Jerusalem, until Christ returns there will be 1290 days! Three and a half years, plus 30 days! Blessed will be the man who waits till the end, another 45 days!

Daniel was then told to go his way. All of this would happen long after he died. His end was secure till the time of the end. He would “rest” and rise to his inheritance at the end of the days.

I, Esther, was encouraged by these words. Yahweh already had planned the end from the beginning. Nothing was a surprise to him. Even in difficult times, God would be with his people, giving us understanding, and promising to deliver us! Daniel was a mighty man of God, who was an example to us all. His love for Yahweh never failed, from his youth through his death… through captivity, slavery and hardship. Daniel persevered during persecution and success, through power and loss. He spoke God’s truth and fulfilled God’s mission for his life. He led a life that earned him the title, “greatly beloved one.”

Oh, yes, what happened to Antiochus Ephipanes? The Jewish people, under Judah Maccabee, led a military revolt, and took back the city and the temple! It was cleansed and rededicated. The Jewish people today celebrate this victory on Hanukkah, or the Festival of Lights! At the end of days, antichrist, too, will be defeated by Jesus Christ himself, and our Messiah-king will come to rule and reign on the earth!




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