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Numbers: Journey to the Promised Land Lesson 5

Korah’s Rebellion : Knowing God’s Ways (Chapters 15-19)

Knowing God's Ways, is the key to entering His rest. In Lesson 4, we left the Israelites at Kadesh Barnea, which means “Sacred Desert of Wandering.” This generation of Israelite adults would not be allowed to enter the Promised Land, but 40 years from now, their children would. Because God had sworn an oath, this decision could not be reversed.

Later, The writer of Hebrews wrote in Hebrews 3:10-11. They did not know My ways, therefore they shall not enter my rest. The writer is quoting from Psalm 95, God’s warning to us not to make the same mistakes the Israelites did! It is important that we as believers learn to know God's ways! Moses, Aaron, Joshua and Caleb were learning just that! In this lesson, we see how Moses, as a leader for Yahweh really did know God’s ways, and in a tough situation that challenged his authority, he was able to maintain order and quell a rebellion.

The narrative regarding Korah's Rebellion is ultimately a the story of Christ's second coming... God's chosen leader (Jesus) being rebelled against, the usurpers wanting the authority instead, and being judged by God! God sent Korah and his rebels down into the pit! My what a vivid picture of what happens to those that deny God's chosen leader, Jesus. Also in this lesson is the miracle of Aaron's rod. God was very clear...rebelling against His plans and purposes only ends badly!

To find lesson plans for this lesson CLICK HERE!


  1. What was your key takeaway from this lesson?

  2. What do you think it means to “Know God’s Ways?”

  3. What kinds of things can we do to learn God’s ways?

  4. What was Korah trying to do?

  5. What was Moses' response to the rebels? How does this response show that he knew God's ways?

  6. Why do you think God chose to swallow up the entire families of the rebels?

  7. Aaron’s stick budded and bore fruit overnight. What was God saying through this illustration?

  8. How does knowing God’s ways help us through difficult situations?

  9. How could this statement from this lesson relate to Christ: The man the Lord chooses will be the holy one!”

  10. How is Moses a type of Christ in this lesson? Do you see any similarities? Who was the ultimate leader God “chose”?

  11. If you have time, read 1 Corinthians 10:1-13. What is God warning against in this passage? How does it relate to Korah's Rebellion?

  12. Read the book of Jude out loud. What does he say about Korah's Rebellion? What kind of men should we be careful of in the Last Days? Do you know anyone like that now?

For more information regarding Korah's Rebellion, CLICK HERE

Don't miss this extra teaching on Korah! Find out how God redeems the family of Korah!




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