Numbers: Journey to the Promised Land Lesson 3
Lesson 3. "Sibling Rivalry: Let God Handle it!"
Sibling Rivalry has been around since the beginning of time, going back to the very first siblings, Cain and Abel. So, it is no surprise that amidst all the complaining and arguing Moses had to deal with in the wilderness, there were also battles coming at him personally, within his own family! If the enemy of our souls attacks us, he knows where we are the most vulnerable… in conflict with those we love. Chapter 12 of Numbers has some real family drama— thankfully, God stepped in to deal with the conflict himself. Here’s Joshua’s take on the situation!
For Lesson Plans for Lesson 3 Click Here! Chapter 12
Discussion Questions:
Read Chapter 12 of Numbers aloud.
Miriam and Aaron were angry with Moses about marrying a Cushite woman. Why?
What do you think that Miriam and Aaron were really upset with Moses about?
Spreading dissension through the camp toward the leader was not looked on lightly by God. What does God think about their behavior? What did God say was their real problem?
The scripture says God was angry. Why do you think he judged Miriam more severely than Aaron?
How did God take care of the problem, yet show grace in this situation?
The “fear of the Lord” is the real issue in this lesson. How did Miriam learn her lesson?
How did Satan use Miriam to attack Moses? At each step in the account, how did Moses handle the situation?
Why was Moses different from the other OT prophets? In Deuteronomy 18:15-19 Moses talks about “...another prophet like me.” To whom is this referring?” Did Jesus also have to deal with sibling rivalry? How did He take care of that problem?
Do you deal with sibling rivalry? Tell how you handle it!