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Numbers: Journey to the Promised Land Lesson 2

The Wilderness: God’s Place of Preparation Chapters 5-11

What is it you do before taking a trip? Wash your clothes and pack them, make travel arrangements, or plan a babysitter? Now that the Israelites had met God at the mountain, and built God’s portable house at the base of Mt. Sinai, final preparations were made for departure. It was almost time! Let's check in with Joshua. What was it that the Israelites were told to do to ready themselves for the upcoming journey? While they were camped how were they preparing themselves physically and spiritually to move on in their lives toward the Promised Land?

For Lesson Plans that go with this lesson, Click Here! To listen to Chuck Missler teach the Book of Numbers Click Here! To watch Chuck Missler teach the lessons scroll to the YouTube playlist below.


Small Group Discussion or Journaling Questions:

  1. What one thing stood out to you the most about this lesson?

  2. While they were camped, how were the Israelites preparing themselves physically and spiritually to move on in their lives toward the Promised Land?

  3. Has God ever prepared you earlier in life for a task he asked you to do later in life? Tell what happened.

  4. Have you ever gone through a wilderness experience, or something you might call the valley of the shadow of death? What was something that you learned about God through the experience?

  5. When God had Aaron bless all the people before they left Sinai, it says in the word that God put his name upon them, each one.What do you think that actually means? Why was that important to do before leaving Sinai? How does knowing the purpose of the blessing make knowing this particular blessing more meaningful?(Numbers 6:23-27.)

  6. Why do you think God arranged the marching order the way he did? What might be hidden in these details?

  7. What was the principle taught in this lesson? What does it mean? How would you explain it to a new Christian? Between the place where we receive the promise of God and the Promised Land (the fulfillment of the promise, there is usually a wilderness that is the exact opposite of what we have been promised!

  8. Have you ever passed (or failed) a test you know God was giving you? Share it with the group. If we are already saved by grace, why might God still give us tests? Deut 8:2

  9. How did the “mixed multitude" lead the Israelites astray?

  10. Why is it important to put our hand to the plow and not turn back? Why was God so angry that the people were craving the real “food of Egypt?” or, symbolically, the teaching of the world?

  11. Read Psalm 78: 26-33. What new insights can we gain from this Psalm?

  12. Complaining is really a lack of faith, and lack of thankfulness for what God has provided for us. What were the things God did to take care of the problem?

  13. Moses was frustrated and cried out to God. What did God do to help him? How does this foretell what would happen in the future?

(1:05) Enjoy this one minute video of the Wilderness of Paran!

If you would like, watch the commentary teachings by Chuck Missler.




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