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Lesson 8 Elijah: Prepare the Way of the Lord "A Double Portion"

 Elisha wanted a double portion of what Elijah had! What a bold request!  Try to imagine yourself in Elisha’s shoes! Elisha was living in apostate Israel, under Queen Jezebel. Sound familiar? The government officials were all yes men. The truth could not be spoken, and anyone who dared to speak it was accosted. As you watch the video, consider this question, “Why do you believe this next generation of believers will need a “double portion” of the Holy Spirit?” 

We will prepare a highway in the desert for our God! We will do this by winning little battles daily. We will share Christ, pray for others, and bear fruit that remains. We will be a light in the darkness! We will not waver between two opinions.  In this way, we will help to build the straight highway. We are the overcomers! We, too, will desire a double portion of the Holy Spirit spirit to carry out the mandate of spreading the gospel of Jesus to every place on this planet.

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Scriptures: 1 Kings 22, 2 Kings 1-2

Discussion Questions:

  1. What stood out to you the most about this final lesson?

  2. Why do you think Elijah kept telling Elisha not to come with him on his final day on earth? Why did Elisha refuse?

  3. What prophetic significance could there be to the fact that Elijah did not see death, but was taken up to heaven?

  4. Why do you believe this next generation of believers will need a “double portion” of the Holy Spirit? 

  5. How did the sons of the prophets at Jericho know that the spirit of Elijah now rested on Elisha? How can people know that the spirit of Christ is in us?  What did Jesus say about this topic? (They will know you are my disciples by….) 

  6. If this is the case, then our love for one another must also be a factor in preparing the way of the Lord. How do we know that Elisha truly loved Elijah and vice versa? 

  7. Go back and review the worksheet from lesson 2.  What answers have you found throughout the study for these questions?

  8. What has been the most significant lesson you have learned from studying the life and ministry of Elijah?

  9. What new thing has this study motivated you to do for God?

Closure and Final Prayer:  As a group, form a circle and  join hands. Jesus, in wisdom and power, is calling forth an army that will be uniquely called, equipped, and qualified to “Prepare the way of the Lord.”     Pray and ask God for an outpouring of the spirit and power of Elijah upon God’s servants, (that’s us!) today! Ask for a double portion! Then, worship! 




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