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Lesson 7 Elijah: Prepare the Way of the Lord "Naboth's Vineyard"

In this scriptural passage found  in 1 Kings titled “Naboth's Vineyard,”   God describes how Jezebel and Ahab successfully “steal” the land of Naboth, his allotted family inheritance. This is actually a picture of how this duo actually “steal” God’s Vineyard, the entire country of Israel, too. Let's analyze how they do it.

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Scriptures:  Malachi 4: 4-5, Luke 1:17, 1 Kings 21, Isaiah 5

Discussion Questions:

  1.  Naboth refused to sell his vineyard to Ahab. Why? 

  2. Why was Ahab pouting? Why do you think he really wanted that specific vineyard? What were the behaviors of Jezebel in this narrative? (Add to her list.) How did she solve the problem? How are the behaviors of Hillary Clinton the same or different? Kamala Harris? Bill Clinton?

  3. What did Jezebel do to get Naboth’s vineyard? What did she do to steal God’s Vineyard? (The country of Israel)

  4. Do you think Ahab was just as much to blame as Jezebel? Why or why not? Why did the prophet announce judgment to Ahab and not Jezebel herself?

  5. God told Ahab that he was bringing judgment on the entire house of Ahab. Why do you think that was so?

  6. God tended his “ Vineyard” (Israel) and when it produced only “bad fruit” God’s heart was broken. How do we break God’s heart when we don’t produce good fruit for the kingdom? (Isaiah 5)

  7. How is America “God’s Vineyard” too?  How is Jezebel trying to steal God’s Vineyard today?

  8. Elijah was called on one last time to deliver the news to King Ahab of God’s judgment.  This is also prophetic. Elijah will again return in our day, too,  delivering news of upcoming judgment before Jesus comes. Who do you think are the “Elijahs” of today? Can you think of any well known person or persons that embodies the spirit of Elijah?

  9. What was the message that Elijah was to deliver to Ahab? Then, Ahab went about Jezreel in sackcloth and fasted. Finally, the spirit of Elijah, a spirit of repentance, had sobered the king!  How was Ahab’s show of public repentance received by God?

  10. Read Malachi 4: 4-5, the last book of the OT, and Luke 1:17, the first part of the New Testament.  How did John the Baptist, as a type of Elijah, turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and vice versa? 

  11. Why is it important that the work of the older generation in the body of Christ be accepted and valued by the younger generation and vice versa?  Is this happening in your church right now?  In our culture?

  12. What do you think the people of Israel thought about Jezebel stealing Naboth’s vineyard? Why did they allow her to do it? The Deep State is stealing America from our Godly heritage right now. Why do you think the people of America are allowing it?

  13. How can we pray for our nation? Are we past the point of repentance as a nation? Why or why not?

Closure and Prayer: Spend some time praying for the hearts of the children in our individual families to return to their fathers and the fathers to the children. Pray the spirit of Elijah over the families! Then, pray for the spirit of Elijah to spread across our land bringing repentance and revival.

Follow up! Read the following two articles!







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