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Lesson 5: Journey to the Real Mt. Sinai "The Red Sea Crossing"

This portion of scripture is some of the most exciting for me, from Exodus 12-15. Mostly, because the journey has actually started, and the geographical clues in the text are becoming more numerous.In this lesson, I will briefly summarize portions of the text. Then, we will examine some of the clues which lead to a possible route from Goshen (Rameses) to Midian, crossing Yam Suph or the Red Sea on the way! Most of the route I present in this lesson comes from the book, The Lost Sea of the Exodus by Glen Fritz. Fritz has a doctoral degree in Geography, and his textbook is a scientific analysis of possible Exodus routes that work scientifically with the clues we are given from the Moses account found in the Bible. If you are interested in this topic, you are going to want to have this book!

As you listen to the lesson, you will see a proposed route of the Exodus, from Goshen to Etham, and then south through Wadi Watir to Nuweiba Beach on the west shore of the Gulf of Aqaba. For complete lesson plan, Click HERE! (21;00). There are some really great supplemental videos here... don't miss the last one!!


  1. What fact presented here was the most convincing to you that the Nuweiba Beach crossing could be the real one?

  2. What part of the departure from Egypt might have been the most difficult for you?

  3. Read out loud Chapter 14 of Exodus again. What details are included in the text that you never noticed before?

  4. What questions do you have about the Red Sea crossing?

  5. Why did God lead the Israelites to a dead end? Has he ever led you or someone you know to a dead end? What happened?

  6. Some teachers relate the Red Sea crossing to our salvation or our baptism. Do you agree? Why or Why not? What else might it represent?

  7. Read out loud the Song of Moses. Notice your favorite verse! Write it on a card.

  8. Spend time in Worship as a group!

Alternate Questions

  1. What was your favorite part of this video?

  2. Why do you think that God told the Israelites to go South, pinning them with their backs to the Red Sea?

  3. What was Pharaoh thinking when he realized that the Israelites had really left Egypt? What was he hoping to accomplish by chasing them?

  4. Think of a time you have been “backed into a corner” in life, with no way out. What did you do? What happened?

  5. God wanted to make a name for himself, so that the Egyptians would know he was God. Do you think after the parting of the Red Sea, and losing their entire army, that they did?

  6. If God was making a model of salvation by grace through the blood of Jesus with the Passover, what did the parting of the Red Sea represent?

  7. Name all the miracles in this biblical account. How many can you find?

  8. Have you ever felt that God put a wall of fire between you and an enemy of yours? Tell what happened?

  9. Why did God make sure the Israelites knew that not one Egyptian soldier remained? That they were all dead?



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