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Lesson 5 Elijah: Prepare the Way of the Lord "Elijah Meets God at Mt. Sinai"

I have been to Mt. Sinai in Saudi Arabia,  and I can tell you without a doubt visiting there was one of the most amazing experiences in my life. There is so much evidence that this is the place!  It is the land of Midian!  Local tribes have called this mountain Jebel Musa for thousands of years. But there is more! At the base of the mountain there is a flat plain, with plenty of room for a camp of 2 million people. There is a source of water flowing down off of the mountain after the spring rains. An ancient altar at the base of the mountain is still there,  with ashes of animals sacrificed there, dating back to the time of Moses. There is a “golden calf altar” with carved images of ancient cows matching those found in Egypt, and also menorah’s and many other petroglyphs along with ancient Hebrew letters. There is an ancient graveyard there, with standing stones, where many people appear to have been buried at the same time. The top of Jebel Maqla is even covered with blackened rocks, that appear to have been burned with fire.

For centuries, scholars and writers have told the account of Elijah fleeing from Jezebel and running to Horeb, the geographical area that contains Mt. Sinai. They claim he became fearful, and depressed, and lost his way. Certainly these things happened. But I tend to have a different take on this explanation. See what you think as you listen to the lesson! To see lesson plans for this lesson, CLICK HERE!


Scriptures:  1 Kings 19: 1-21, Leviticus  26:1-2.

Discussion Questions: 

  1. What new thing did you learn from this lesson about this well known story?

  2. Elijah had been sought by Jezebel and Ahab for 3 ½ years to kill him. Why do you think Elijah became discouraged knowing Jezebel was trying to kill him now?

  3. What do you think Elijah was expecting to find at Mt. Sinai?

  4. Have you ever needed to “pull into the stronghold” and flee to the cave until you could hear God’s voice again? Tell what happened.

  5. Do you need a new assignment from God, like Elijah did? How might “pulling into the stronghold” help us hear God’s voice?

  6. How did the spirit of Jezebel make Elijah’s behavior different than it had been before? Have you ever had this happen? Tell about it.

  7. Selfishness is one of the main enemies of the last days. How can we be careful not to become selfish ourselves? 

  8. Why do you think so many children these days disrespect their parents?

  9. Do you think America is past the point of no return from God’s point of view? Why or why not?

  10. What things going on around you are discouraging or depressing you? How can we learn from Elijah what to do?

(6:45) Don't miss this video of the real cave of Elijah! We could see this cave from the bottom of the mountain on our trip there.




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