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Lesson 4: The Book of Jasher "Abram in the Fire"

  In chapter 10 of the book of Jasher, we have a genealogy of the sons of Noah–Shem, Ham, and Japheth, very similar to the one found in Genesis Chapter 9. Chapter 11 of Jasher gives us more information about Nimrod, and the cities that he built, as well as the account of Abram revisiting his father after living in the house of Noah until age 50. In this account, Abram challenges the idol worship of his father. Amazingly, Terah, Abram’s father, turns him in to Nimrod!

Read out loud Jasher Chapter 11. Have one person read the text and have class members take the parts of Abraham, Terah , Abrahams’ mother, and the king. Have fun acting out the story! You can make fun props or name signs if you wish. Also read Joshua 24:2. For Lesson Plans, Click Here!

Watch Video Clip: (1:37)


  1. After reading this lesson, what do we know about the faith of Abram? The father of Abram?

  2. What is your favorite part of the lesson? Why was this your favorite?

  3. Why do you think after sheltering Abram all these years, that Terah chose to turn Abram in to Nimrod?

  4. How does Abram remind you of Jesus?

How do we know that Abram was a strong man of faith?

Let's move on now to Jasher Chapter 12. Did you know Abram was thrown into a fiery furnace? Another set of Bible characters also were thrown into a fiery furnace in Babylon! Remember Shadrach, Mescheh and Abednego? Here is what Ai says about this earlier event in Babylon, involving Abraham and his brother, Haran.

AI Overview!

The story of Abram being thrown into a fiery furnace is a well-known midrashic legend that also appears in the rabbinic work, Genesis Rabbah. In the story, Abram is miraculously saved from the furnace by divine intervention after refusing to worship idols. 

Here are some details from the story:

  1. The furnace: Abram was thrown into the furnace by Nimrod, a Babylonian-Assyrian figure. 

  2. The miracle: The fire did not touch Abram, but only burned the rope that bound him. Hundreds of people watched Abram walk through the flames for three days and nights without a hair of his head being burned. 

  3. Nimrod's admission: Nimrod was forced to admit that Abram was a man of God and spoke the truth. 

  4. Abram's gifts: Nimrod gave Abram many gifts and sent him back to his father's house. 

Abram's companions: Abram was accompanied by two hundred men of noble descent, including Eliezer of Damascus, who later became Abram's most trusted servant. 

Watch Video: (12 min.)


1. How does this account of Abraham and the fiery furnace remind you of Shadrach, Mescech, and Abednego?

2. Haran is a type of Judas in this story. Who does he betray? Why do you think he did that?

3. Abraham now receives fame and honor from the people. Why do you think they honored Him?

4. This "showdown" of good and evil is similar in some ways to the event with Elijah at Mt. Carmel. What was Abram trying to prove?

5. Abram was fearless in the face of death. What other things do we now know about the faith of Abraham?

6. Abram had around 300 men now following him, with riches and honor, and is on his way to the Land of Caanan. What do you think might happen next?

Closure: Spend time as a group reflecting upon the faith of Abraham. How did Abraham become such a strong man of faith? Encourage the group members to continue reading the Book of Jasher while studying the Biblical account of the life of Abraham. What is your favorite new thing you learned about Abraham? How does the faith of Abraham inspire you to a greater faith in Christ? Close in prayer.

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