Lesson 3: The Book of Jasher "The Tower of Babel"
We have a short, cryptic account of the Tower of Babel event in the scriptures, Genesis 11. Remember when God confused the languages because the people were building a tower? Where was Babel? Who was there? Today we will look at the Biblical account and the historical account from the Book of Jasher.
Today, the people of the earth are once again becoming people of "one language" through the use of the computer and internet. Why do you think that God punished the people by mixing up their languages? What did that accomplish?As all men spoke one language in Nimrod’s day; communication was at its zenith. With the technology available today, everyone can communicate once more, as was the case in antiquity. ‘Google translate’ is now able to translate 108 languages by typing into an app on our cellphone. Most phones also have a ‘translate by speech’ feature. Whatever barriers God put in place by separating languages, are now being offset with advances in technology. God knew the capability of man to sin if he was unified in mind and speech. The world is presently becoming more and more like the “ days of Noah.” Oh yes, Noah was still alive! (He lived 350 years after the flood!) Let’s read what the Bible says about the Tower of Babel, and then read what the book of Jasher says. Want a print out of this lesson? Click Here!
Read Genesis 11
Jasher Chapter 9
From the Biblical account, what was the reason that God divided the languages? Was it the same reason in the Book of Jasher?
In the book of Jasher, there were three mindsets exhibited by the builders. These three mindsets were given different "punishments" from God. Do you think the punishment fit the crime? Why or why not.
Why do you think the account of the Tower of Babel was included in the scriptures?
How does the account of the tower of Babel in the book of Jasher show us what the culture of the day was like? The government? The intelligence of the society?
What do you think Noah thought about all of this?
How do we know that this event in history really happened?
Now, watch the video. If you have time, watch the rest of the videos below.
3 min.
What was your greatest takeaway from the lesson today?
What event in US History reminds you of the Tower of Babel?
Arrogance against God is rarely tolerated. What do you see in our culture today that reminds you of the arrogance of Nimrod?
Closure: Spend some time praying for America, for revival. Then ask God to show you individually ways you might have become arrogant or prideful.
Here is an extra video!