Lesson 3: Journey to the Real Mt. Sinai "The Burning Bush"
I have always been fascinated with Moses. How could I not? What an amazing Bible Character–a son of slaves, being raised as a prince, and then being called by God to be the deliverer of his people Israel… what a hero! But these things were not the real reason for my desire to be like Moses. Mostly, I just wanted to know God intimately, I wanted to hear his voice. I wanted God to talk to me just like he talked to Moses. I desired for God to use me to advance his kingdom purposes. So when I was 32 years old, I began to ask God to talk to me. I wanted my own burning bush! Since then, God has spoken to me many times and in many different ways.
I went on the camping trip at the base of Mt. Sinai in Arabia with great excitement and high expectations. What would God reveal to me there? Would he call me to some new mission? Would he reveal more to me about himself? What treasure would I take home from the mountain of God? Watch the video to find out!
In Chapters 3 and 4, then, we have the narrative of Moses at the Burning Bush, one of the most well known accounts in the Bible. In these two chapters, not only do we learn about God’s plan, but also about his love and compassion for his chosen people, and much about his character and holiness. For the first time in the scriptures, God’s name is revealed, “I am that I am,” And looking even deeper at this burning bush that is on fire and not consumed, we hear the voice of Jesus Christ himself, speaking from the bush! During this conversation, God calls Moses to be the deliverer of his people, choosing him to be his agent to Pharaoh for the purpose of setting his people free!
For a Lesson Plan for this session, Click Here!
Play Video: (19:08)
Scriptures: Exodus Chapters 3 and 4.
Small Group Discussion:
When reading the text, did you find any new geographical clues, or references to Jesus?
What are some of the ways God has spoken to you?
Has God ever asked you to do something you did not feel qualified for, or did not want to do? What happened?
At the end of the lesson, the scripture says, the people of God believed. Why do you think they believed Moses and Aaron?
Who was the voice in the burning bush? How do we know?
Why do you think Moses did not want to return to Egypt, or want to go to Pharaoh with God’s request?
Why do you think Zipporah was so angry?
How is God’s plan of redemption for Israel similar to God’s plan of redemption for humanity? How is it different?
Were the Israelites saved by grace, or their own good works? What do you think?
What new thing did you learn about God in this lesson?
Watch this amazing scene! 5:58