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Lesson 3 Elijah: Prepare the Way of the Lord "God Provides for His Remnant"

We stress, we worry, we pray. Then we do it again! Sometimes there seems to be no possible way out.  How do we learn to trust God in all things? Practice! Over and over again, God gives us new ways to prove we trust Him. Even in the midst of national judgment, God supplies the needs of his remnant! Watch as Elijah’s faith grows as God lovingly cares for, not only Elijah, but a foreign widow woman and her son during the drought. As you watch the lesson, consider trusting God for provision in your own life, too! And remember, as times grow harder in America, God still has you on his radar! Click Here for Lesson Plans.


Scriptures: Matthew 24:1-9, 1 Kings 17:2-24

Discussion Questions: 

  1. Why do you think Elijah prayed that it would not rain?  How does this prayer show the heart of Elijah? How can we learn to pray like Elijah?

  2. Why was it important that Elijah learn to hear God’s voice and immediately be obedient to do what God said to do? Why is it becoming increasingly important that we be able to  hear God’s voice and learn to immediately follow it? 

  3. How is the encounter of Elijah and the widow woman similar to the later encounter with Jesus and the woman at the well? The supernatural provision of food? The raising of the dead child? Could these things point to the coming messiah?

  4. What did it take for the woman to really believe that Elijah was a true prophet of Yahweh? 

  5. Do you agree with Patti that hard times are ahead for believers in America? Why or why not? 

  6. How does studying what Elijah did during hard times teach us what to do when we encounter them, too? 

Closure: Review the List of Tips from Elijah for Surviving and Thriving in Hard Times! Turn this list into a final prayer for today’s lesson. One person can pray over the group or have each person take one of the seven “tips.” Challenge yourself this week to the Survival Report Card!

Tips from Elijah  for Surviving and Thriving in Hard Times!

Here are some strategies for survival in a drought!  

 Lord, help us to…..

1-Drink deeply from the LIVING WATER every day! Keep your eyes on the glory and victory of Jesus coming soon on the earth, not on the battles before us now.

2-  Discipline yourself, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to stay  joyful, no matter what, and maintain an unshakable peace. These are important weapons! 

       Memorize Psalm 46: 10 – Be still and know that I am God!

3. Remember to “fly high” and see things from God’s point of view. Pray the heart of God, even if it means you will have personal discomfort, like Elijah. He prayed it would not rain!

4. Think of others. Selfishness is one of the core evils we are fighting in these times. Elijah’s   mission was to be the answer to someone else’s prayer! 

5. Trust in God’s provision.–it may come from an unexpected person or  place!

6. Follow God’s word. Expect and believe in miracles, giving God all the glory

Do not fear, even when God leads you to move toward the enemy, and into enemy territory.

7. Listen for God’s instructions and obey them.  Be willing to move to a new location or interact with people you have never met before. 

Add some of your own!


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