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Lesson 2 Elijah: Prepare the Way of the Lord "Jezebel"

The year is 874 Bc. The place is the Northern Kingdom of Israel. King Ahab, the most wicked king to date, is on the throne. The Syrians, or Phoenicians,  to the North, traditional enemies of Judah, just formed an alliance with King Ahab to collectively fight against the Assyrians.  With this treaty came the opening up of trade routes in the seaport  cities of Tyre and Sidon, and Israel prospered. However, seemingly to cement the agreement, King Ahab married Jezebel,a priestess of Baal, the daughter of the Sidonian King, Ethbaal. Thus, Baal Worship was brought  into Israel through her influence with the king. 

  Still with us today, the spirit of Jezebel is no joke. Anyone who has been in contact with a person dominated by this spirit knows what I mean. It  is relentless. Wicked. “She” is a spirit of seduction and immorality that hides behind a mask of control and manipulation.” We will get to know her and her tactics as we study the prophet Elijah. She is not a low level demon. She is a high level principality. We, as believers of Jesus,  cannot cast her out.  We must “wrestle” with her, as the apostle Paul says.  Many Christian leaders believe that  she is one of the strongest enemies we are fighting in America today.

I have known some people that are influenced by the spirit of Jezebel. Have you? Let's check in with Elisha as he relates how Elijah dealt with this wicked queen. For lesson plans, CLICK HERE!


Scriptures for Lesson 2:  1 KIngs 16:29-34, 17:1, Deut 11: 16-17, 1 John 1:7

Discussion Questions:

  1. As a group, brainstorm a list of characteristics of Jezebel and also add to your list of the character traits of Elijah. Keep these lists to add to as the study continues.

  2. What was the most interesting part of this lesson for you? (Share your jewel)

  3. Think of a  “Jezebel” you might know personally or in politics. What are some behaviors you have seen that make you think so?

  4. Why is it so important to stay away from pornography?

  5. What is the difference between a demon and a principality?

  6. It says in (Deut 11:16-17.) “Take heed to yourselves lest your hearts be deceived and you turn aside and serve other Gods and worship them, lest the Lord’s anger be aroused against you, and He shut up the heavens so that there be no rain…”   How do you think people’s hearts become deceived? How can we take heed to ourselves so that WE are not deceived? Do you think this command is only for Israel, or for us, too?

  7. Our culture calls a person controlled by the Jezebel spirit a Narcissist. Why are there so many narcissists in our culture today?

  8. Share any experience that you have had with the Jezebel spirit. 

Closure:Read 1 John 1:7 out loud. As a group, pray for each other to continue to walk in the light and have fellowship with one another. Pray that the Lord Jesus protects each one of us from deception.

If you have time, watch the supplemental videos!


Did you ever wonder about Jezebel's family tree? Check out this article!

Here is another article! Click Here!

I recommend these teachers if you are dealing with a Jezebel/Narcissist.

Here is my other favorite teacher. She is openly a Christian.





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