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Lesson 10: Journey to the Real Mt. Sinai "The Moses Altar and the Elder's Plateau"

While on our trip to Saudi Arabia, we were able to see the Moses Altar at the base of the mountain, Jebel Maqla. Some of the climbers made it to the “Elder’s Plateau” about ⅔ of the way up the mountain. Enjoy the photos of these two amazing sites! This portion of scripture, following the giving of the 10 Commandments, is some of the least studied. After the Commandments were given, Moses was told to construct an altar for sacrifice. He also was told to gather the 70 Elders, Aaron and his two sons, and Joshua. They were to climb up the mountain with him and worship Yahweh from afar, while Moses himself went to the summit alone to receive two stone tablets with the 10 “Words” written on them.

Our own group of "elders" climbed Jebel Maqla to the plateau too! These saints of God were a new group of “elders” , representing another bride, the “ bride of Christ!” that day on the mountain. A group of saved by grace, filled with the spirit, sold out lovers of God. How providential … 3500 years ago, 70 representatives of Israel, the bride of Yahweh feasted with Him, communing with him, and celebrating their covenant of love in this very spot. On this day in October , 2022, during the Feast of Tabernacles, 7 representatives of the bride of his son, Yeshua, met with him at the same location on the mountain! But this was only a shadow of what is to come! Soon, very soon, Yeshua will be coming back for his waiting bride, who is making herself ready, and there will be a wedding feast of all feasts!

For Lesson Plans that go with this lesson, Click Here!


Discussion Questions:

  1. What was your favorite part of this lesson?

  2. To seal the covenant Yahweh made with Israel required a blood sacrifice. Why do you think this was important to do? What act was God foreshadowing here?

  3. Where were Moses, and the people, when they first heard the 10 Commandments?

  4. Why do you think Moses was to make the 12 pillars?

  5. The people were afraid, so Moses finished the process of hearing and recording the marriage covenant alone with God. Then, Moses relayed the entire covenant to the people. How does this process foreshadow what Jesus did for us?

  6. Who are the 24 Elders sitting on the thrones in the book of Revelation?

  7. Why was it important that God communed with the elders on the mountain? What part of the Jewish marriage ceremony did this event represent?

  8. Why do you think God called Moses up to the summit and then made him wait for 6 days? Do you think Joshua was with Moses while he waited?

  9. What was it God was doing with Moses for 40 days and nights? With Joshua?

  10. What does this event tell us about God's timing?

Joel speaks at about the pillars at the Altar of Moses. (3:00)

Awesome Drone Footage of the Altar of Moses




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