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Lesson 1 Elijah: Prepare the Way of the Lord! "Introduction"

  Welcome to this eight week study about the life of Elijah! In these last days, we are to expect Elijah to return before the “Great and Terrible Day of the Lord.” What is Elijah’s message to be? “Prepare the Way of the Lord! Make a straight path for Him!” The question is, what can we do to prepare the way of the Lord? The spirit of Elijah, embodied in John the Baptist, will certainly collide with the culture of today, just as it did in the time of Elijah, and also in the time of Jesus, 2000 years ago. As we study Elijah, and the main characteristics of Elijah, as well as the messages Elijah delivered to the people of Yahweh at that time, we can begin to examine this question. Who was Elijah? What was his character like? What is the “spirit and power of Elijah?”

In the introductory video for this study, Patti sets the stage for our study of Elijah. The videos will be narrated by the prophet Elisha, ( voice of John Shader) the chosen successor of Elijah. By the way, it is proper to say his name E LISH ah, or E LIE Shah! Elijah lived in the Northern Kingdom of Israel, and died in the year 851. BC. He was a prophet to King Ahab, the most wicked of all the kings in the Northern Kingdom.

For a Lesson Plan for Lesson 1, Click Here!


Scriptures for Lesson 1:, Malachi 4: 5-6, Acts 3:21,Amos 5:20, Isaiah 60:1, Isaiah 40:31, Malachi 4:5-6, Matthew 17:11, Luke 1:17, Isaiah 40:3

Discussion Questions: 

  1. Share any more questions you may have written down about Elijah, Elisha, or this period of history.  Keep a group list of questions you may have.

  2. As you were watching the video, what was the most interesting part to you?

  3. What do you think this scripture means,  “Behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people.” Isaiah 60:1  How is this a sign of the last days?

  4. If we do not walk in the light, as Jesus is in the light, we will not be able to see. What does it mean, then, to walk in the light?

  5. John the Baptist was a “type” of Elijah. How was John the Baptist like Elijah?

  6. If we walk in the darkness, we will be easily deceived because we cannot see. Who do you know that falls into  this category? Are they believers or unbelievers? What political leaders do you think are walking in the light? In the dark?

  7. As a group, start to brainstorm a list of character traits of Elijah. Keep the list to add to every week. (See worksheet)

Conclusion: Spend some time praying for friends and family that are walking in the darkness. Be sure to pray for America, and the upcoming election.

This video is only 47 seconds!!




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