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Esther: For Such a Time as This! Session 5

Chapters 7 and 8

Session 5: Esther's Banquet #2, Haman Exposed, A New Decree.

In the last session, Queen Esther fasted and prayed, made herself beautiful, took a deep breath, and approached the throne of the most powerful man in the known world. Anything could have happened when she approached the royal throne--she could have been sentenced to death for disobedience, like Vasti, or she could have found the king's favor. My guess is that by doing what Vashti would not do, appearing publicly wearing her crown and royal robes, looking absolutely lovely and totally submissive, she immediately won the heart of the king at that moment for at least the second time. In a sense, he was honored and vindicated after Vashti publicly humiliated him. He held out the golden scepter to her, and she was safe!

In another wise move, Esther did not blurt out her request for her people, but simply asked the king to come to her banquet of wine. Brilliant, secretive, and appealing. she piqued the curiosity of the king, while honoring him publicly once again. She also invited the evil Haman to attend. This seems counter-intuitive. Why would she invite the very man whose evil she wished to expose? Wouldn't she wish to speak to the king one on one about this issue?

As I consider this drama, I must admit she was I wiser woman than I. How many times have I blurted out my anger and frustration to my husband on the spot? Why do I forget to seek the Lord's counsel for how and when to approach a subject? Why have I not fasted and prayed ?

Of course, Haman and the king do come to Esther's Banquet. The tension and suspense is building... But what happens at the banquet? She simply asks them both to come back tomorrow! She tells the king it is TOMORROW that she will share her request with him! So, the plot thickens in chapters 7 and 8!

Again working behind the scenes, with his perfect timing, God has completely set up the fall of Haman. Watch the video first this time as Haman is finally exposed for the evil man he is. His sentence of death is carried out quickly and with finality. Just as Satan will be set up for a final showdown in the last days, Haman was set up! The king brought judgment swiftly. But what of the Royal Decree that could not be revoked, allowing the Jews to be killed and plundered? This crisis of the Jews seemingly forgotten, Esther must once more approach the king on his throne. After watching the video, read chapters 7 and 8 out loud, noting highlights in the commentary. Then, discuss the questions, or journal them in your notebook. For the entire study lesson packet, Click here!.

Session 5: Esther's Banquet #2, Haman Exposed, A New Decree.

1:08:40- 1:18:40. (Chapters 7 and 8) (Ten Minutes)

Discussion or Journaling Questions:

  1. What was going through your mind as you studied this scripture? What was God saying to you?

  2. Why do you think Esther waited until the next day to tell the king her request?

  3. What did she mean when she said "her people" had been "sold for extinction?"

  4. What was the King's response? Why do you think he reacted that way?

  5. Does this event illustrate anything in prophecy? Who does the king represent? Esther? Haman?

  6. Esther (The redeemed) inherits all that Haman (Satan) had! (The earth). In the text, who was promoted instead of Haman? Why do you think the king did that? Who might Mordecai represent? (Jesus or Israel?)

  7. Why did Esther have to approach the king a second time? What was his response?

  8. How did the new decree change everything?

  9. What might it symbolize that Mordecai now had the signet ring?

  10. If the King now represents Yahweh, Esther the Jews, Haman represents Satan, and Mordecai as Christ, how does this foretell what will happen during the great tribulation? Does the scenario fit? Why or Why not?

King Xerxes, (Yahweh), gives Mordecai (Jesus) the power and authority to rescue the people through the use of his signet ring.

We all have a death sentence. All of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. However, there is a way of escape! The blood of Jesus! )In the biblical narrative, the signet ring, which represented power and authority on earth, was taken from Haman (Satan and his minions) and given to Mordecai, the Jew! Esther and Mordecai were given all the property once owned by Haman. Yes, indeed, during the Millennial Kingdom the Jews will inherit property that once belonged to Satan and his kingdom on earth.

Esther once more approaches the throne of grace, and most likely, with a lot less fear and trepidation. She gently reminds the king that although Haman has been exposed as wicked and has been executed, her people were still going to perish. The king gently reminded her that the decree could not be revoked. However,( in my mind, he might have winked at her) while he reminded her that she and Mordecai now had the royal signet ring! Coupled with Haman's riches , she now had the authority to make a royal decree of her own.

So they did!!

What did the new decree say? Firstly, that the Jews had the right, now, to defend themselves. Next, they had the right to kill those trying to kill them, and take the spoil of THEM for their prey!

Let the celebration begin! Next session we discover what happened to Esther's people. We also celebrate the Feast of Purim!

Have fun reading this article how Mordecai is a "type" of Christ. Click Here!




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