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Esther: For Such a Time as This! Session 2

Session 2: "Esther is Chosen Queen"

Between chapters 1 and 2 of the book of Esther passes a time span of four years.(481-479 BC). King Xerxes is now ready to take his 2 million man army to Greece, to take on the Athenians and the Spartans. (Remember the battle of the Ram and the Goat Daniel 7?) While Xerxes is successful in his battle at Thermopylae, the Greeks, in a naval victory, defeat the Persians at Salamis, halting the campaign of Xerxes to incorporate the Greek Civilization into his empire.

Of the 2 million man army that Xerxes took with him to Greece, only 5000 men returned with him. He came home to Susa, licking his wounds, and looking for comfort. It is at this moment that a young Jewish maiden, named Hadasseh, enters the history books…

In this chapter we are introduced to Hadasseh or Esther. Take a moment to brainstorm a list of her personality traits, as the group knows them from previous study. (As the lesson continues, be on the lookout for even more clues as to the character of Esther.) Then, read the text of Chapter 2 out loud, using the NKJV of the bible, while paying attention to footnotes found in the commentary by Chuck Missler, if you have a copy. Finally, settle in to watch the movie! Be ready to journal or discuss the questions listed below. Click Here for Lesson Plans for this study.

Play Video: Session 2: 14:32-36:46 (Chapter 2). (Be sure to forward the video to 14:32)

Discuss the Video:

  1. What new things did you learn about Esther? How does studying her actions show her true character?

  2. Compare and Contrast Vashti and Esther.

  3. Who was Mordecai? What do we know about his character?

  4. What do you think Hadasseh was thinking when she was taken into the harem? What would you have been thinking?

  5. What was the reason why Esther was chosen over all of the other virgins?In what ways did Esther show wisdom in her actions and words?

  6. How do we see God working behind the scenes, even now, in this situation?

  7. Esther was chosen as queen and a banquet was given for her. What could this represent in prophecy?

  8. What "beauty treatments" is the church receiving while waiting for her groom (Jesus) to return?

  9. Esther was chosen due to God's favor, not of her own works. How does that relate to the church as the bride of Christ?

Going Further: Here is an eight minute video showing archeological evidence for the Book of Esther today.




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