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The Major Prophets: Daniel Part 2 "Daniel and Belshazzar"

Daniel Part 2: (Chapters 7,8,5,) Daniel and Belshazzar (13:48)

In the first four chapters of the book of Daniel, we studied how Daniel was taken from Jerusalem to Babylon as a young noble of Judah, and his rise to influence and power in the Babylonian Empire under King Nebuchadnezzar. Now, the king has passed away, and in his place, his grandson, Belshazzar is Co-Regent of the throne, along with his father, Nabonidus. The three chapters of Daniel studied in this video lesson all occurred during their reign.

Narrated by Queen Esther herself, Esther continues to tell the amazing story of Daniel and his three friends, as they live in captivity in Babylon during the Jewish exile. Part 2 covers Chapters 7, 8, and 5.... which teaches the book in chronological order. Each chapter can be taught as it's own lesson, or these three chapters can be taught as one. You may wish to stop the video after each chapter and ponder the questions, journalling the answers. For lesson plans, Click the correct link. Chapter 7 Plans Here! Chapter 8 Plans Here! Chapter 5 Plans Here!

Questions for Chapter 7: Daniel's Dream of the Four Beasts (0-5:44)

  1. What were the four beasts in the dream? Where did they come from? What did they represent? How do we know?

  2. Why did the lion have wings? What does it mean that this first beast was given a "man's heart?"

  3. The bear had three ribs in his mouth. What does this represent? Why was the bear unbalanced?

  4. The leopard had four heads. What other characteristics were given for the leopard?

  5. Why was the fourth beast so different? What kind of teeth did it have?

  6. What does the 11th horn on the last beast represent? What did this "little horn" do? (Be diverse, devour the earth, break into pieces, world wide empire,)

  7. How did this dream enhance or validate King Nebuchadnezzar's dream?

  8. How does this vision from Daniel 7 give us more information about the antichrist? What are the new things we learned? (He will prevail against the saints and overcome them for a time, Israel will eventually enter into her promised blessings in the kingdom, when he rises he will put down 3 of the 10 ruling kings, change the times and law, will trample anyone who opposes him, will oppose God's authority,Persecute Israel, and occupy Jerusalem for 3 1/2 years, He will be judged and overcome at the second coming of Christ)

  9. Who is the "Ancient of Days?" What books were opened? Who is God judging in this dream?

  10. The last beast loses his power not by conquest, but by divine judgement. Why is it important that we know that now?

  11. Since this dream is similar to Nebuchadnezzar's dream, why do you think God gave it to us?

  12. Who is the "son of man?" How is the end of this vision similar/different than Nebuchadnezzar's first dream?

  13. Were "the saints" Christians or Jews? How do we know?

Going Further:

1. Read Hosea 13:7-8. Knowing what you know now, how do you interpret these verses?

2. Read Revelation 13:2 Is this the same as Daniel's fourth beast? Why or Why not?

3. What is a watcher?

4. What can we learn about Jesus from this chapter? (List)

5. What can we learn about the coming world leader/antichrist? (List)

Don't miss the video below (5:08) for Chapter 7! Do you agree with the description of the 10 horns? Why or why not?

If you chose to study the beast in Revelation 13, here is some food for thought! (4:09)

Map of the Middle East Today

Chapter 8: (5:44-10:33) (Daniel's vision by the Ulai River)

Chapter 8: (5:44-10:33) (Written in Hebrew)

Questions: (As you read the text, get 2 volunteers to act out the story)

  1. What are the two animals named in Chapter 8?

  2. What do each of these represent? How do we know? What do the horns represent?

  3. If this vision is for the "end times" could this vision represent another war between Persian (Iran) and Turkey? Why or why not?

  4. The Alexander's Empire was divided by Alexander's generals into four parts. This era is known as the Greek Empire. Who was the most infamous ruler over Judea during this time?

  5. What can be learned about Antichrist from studying Antiochus Epiphanes IV? (Add to Antichrist List)

  6. Who is it that interprets the vision for Daniel?

  7. How do we know this prophecy is still yet to be fulfilled?

Daniel Chapter 5 (10:33- end)


  1. Why was Belshazzar having a party? Who was there? What were they doing that offended God?

  2. Why did the mysterious hand appear on the wall?

  3. What do you think is going through Daniel's mind during this event and afterward?

  4. The Medes and Persians walked right into Babylon and took it without a fight. Why was this good for the Jewish remnant?

  5. Who was Darius the Mede?

  6. If God were to write something on your wall, what would it be?

  7. What do you believe caused the fall of the Babylonian Empire?

  8. Why do you think God bothered to write on the wall and give Belshazzar a warning? Who was the message really for?

Text of Video

When Mordecai and I would go through the scrolls written by Daniel, I am amazed at how close he was to God, and at the detailed visions he was given. Looking back now, his writing very accurately predicted the history of the gentile empires that ruled and reigned in the Middle East, before Messiah and beyond, that later, many skeptics believed that they were really not written by Daniel! But we know that is not true. Why, Yeshua himself quoted from the book of Daniel and called him a prophet!

My name is Hadasseh, but you know me as Esther, the queen of the Persian empire. You may ask, how did Mordecai and I, being in Persia, end up with copies of Daniel’s scrolls? In this session, you will find the answer. Hang on! Daniel’s life story has many twists and turns. In the last session, I told you about Daniel’s early life--how he and his friends were carried into captivity by the Babylonians when they first attacked the city of Jerusalem, and were trained to serve King Nebuchadnezzar in his palace. With Yahweh’s help, Daniel rose to the position of chief of the magicians!

When KingNebuchadnezzer died in 562 BC there was a great scramble for power, and the throne. Now the king had one son and 2 daughters. His son, Evil Merodach, ruled for 2 years, but was overthrown by an army coup led by Nebuchadnezzer’s son-in-law, Neriglissar! It was not long until he was ousted, and his son also tried to reign. But after two months of wrangling, the second son-in-law of Nebuchadnezzer, named Nabonidus, ended up with the throne. Nabonidus was a military leader, who then led his army to Northern Arabia. Because he was absent most of the time, he decided to allow his own son, Nebuchadnezzer’s grandson, to share the throne with him. So this is how the young king, Belshazzar, came to be a co-regent of Babylon in 553 BC, just nine years after the death of his maternal grandfather.

In the meantime, Daniel, who was now 67 years old, was still doing business for the new king, but had been moved into a quieter role. While still living and working in the palace, it appeared he had no personal contact with Belshazzar, the king. However, God was not finished with Daniel yet. In the first year of Belshazzar, (7:1) Daniel had an amazing vision by night. Because it was so significant, he immediately recorded the details. (7)

In his vision, the Great Sea, or Mediterranean Sea, was churned by the action of the four winds, or spirits. Four beasts rose up out of the sea. The first beast, was like a lion with eagle’s wings. The wings were plucked, and the beast was lifted up from earth and made to stand like a man. A man’s heart was given to it. Mordecai and I, learning later from the text that these beasts represented empires, or kingdoms, looked carefully at the text for clues. Which empire was the first beast? Then we got it! The winged lion was carved onto the gates of Babylon! The first beast must represent the Babylonian Empire!

The second beast was like a bear. It raised itself onto one side and it had 3 ribs in the teeth of it. Because we knew that the Persians had taken over the Babylonian empire, this one was easy for us to guess. The “unbalanced” bear represented the blending of two nations to create one empire, the Medo-Persian empire! The three ribs in the bear’s mouth were the three empires the Persians had taken: Babylon, Egypt, and Lydia.

The third beast looked like a leopard, with 4 bird wings on it’s back. The beast also had 4 heads, and it had been given a dominating power. At the time, Mordecai and I had no way of knowing exactly which empire would really follow ours. But the way things were going militarily we had a guess. From heaven’s perspective, we now know that this beast represented the Greek Empire of Alexander the Great! Coming from the west, he conquered all the known world at that time. When he died, the empire was divided among his four top generals.

The final beast resembled a scary monster more than an animal that we were acquainted with. The beast was dreadful, and terrible, and had great iron teeth. It had ten horns and was trampling everything it came in contact with underfoot. These ten horns were ten kings. As Daniel watched, a little horn began to grow, and as it did, three of the first horns, or kings, were plucked out by the roots, or conquered by the little horn. The little horn had eyes like a man, and was speaking pompous words against God.

Again, we know now that this beast represented the Roman Empire. This “Roman Empire” is still powerful, in different forms, on the earth in your day, and this vision represents what will happen in the future.The “little horn” was making war against the saints and winning. You call this powerful leader the antichrist. During the last days, he will try to change the times and the law. For 3 ½ years, he will wage war against the saints of God and win!

After seeing the four beasts, Daniel was given a glimpse into the heavenly court.. Thrones were being put in place.The Ancient of Days’, all in white, was seated on a throne of flames; it’s wheels were burning fire! Thousands were around the throne, ministering to the Lord. The court was seated and the books were opened! This final beast was slain, and its body destroyed and burned. The other three beasts had their dominion taken away, but were allowed to live for a season and a time.

As Daniel watched, the Son of Man came on the clouds of heaven! Yeshua, the Messiah! His kingdom was given glory, dominion and power over all peoples, nations, and languages forever! Yeshua’s Kingdom was given to the saints of the Most High. His kingdom is to be an everlasting kingdom, and all nations shall serve and obey Him. (7:27) As Daniel came out of the vision, his thoughts troubled him regarding it, but he kept the matter in his heart.

Two years later, Daniel had another vision.(8) It was very similar to the first one, but gave more details. A part of this vision actually came true in my lifetime, seventy years after the vision was given to Daniel. This time, Daniel was taken in a dream to the palace in Shushan (where I live!) in the province of Elam, by the river Ulai.(8:1) In physical terms, this is like being transported from Iraq to Iran. ( Susa is 230 miles east of Babylon.) Later, Susa was the main residence of the Persian kings, including Darius and also Xerxes, my husband.

In his vision, there was a ram and a goat. The ram, representing the guardian spirit of the Persian Empire, had two horns. They were both high on its head, but one was higher than the other. (Remember, the Medes and the Persians blended to create the Medo-Persian Empire..the bear of the first vision....) This ram was pushing from the River Ulai in Persia to the west and north and south. Now in real life, my husband, King Xerxes, was the leader of a great western campaign of our army! Actually, he was the higher horn on the head of the ram! He wanted to expand our empire into Greece, and the rest of Europe, but he was defeated at Thermopylae. Our entire Persian fleet was destroyed by the Greeks. I wish I had been able to share Daniel’s prophecy with Xerxes before it happened, but I was not yet queen at the time! I was not able to warn him! He was so despondent when he returned from the war! This was the very moment he chose me as his queen, for such a time as this! Oh, but I have digressed into my own story again! Let me continue….

The male goat with one large horn, (who was figuratively the same beast as the leopard in the first dream,) represented the Greeks and Alexander the Great. The one-horned goat had long been the symbol for the ancient Macedonians. Their army seemed to be moving so fast toward the Persian attack, that their feet did not even touch the ground! The goat (The Greek army ) decimated the “Ram” (The Persian Army) and he was trampled down. Years later, Alexander the Great, died in the city of Babylon at the age of 32. As I mentioned earlier, Alexander’s kingdom was then divided among his four generals. In the vision, Daniel saw the single horn( Alexander) , break, and four notable horns rise up, representing his 4 generals. In the dream, the most notable of those “horns”or generals, grew strongly toward the south, east, and the land of Judah and Israel. While in Judea, this leader supernaturally rose up to heaven, and took with him some of the host of heaven! He exalted himself as high as the Prince of the host. By him, the daily sacrifice was taken away, the sanctuary of Yahweh was desecrated, and he cast truth to the ground. He did all this and prospered. He was allowed by God to do this for 2300 evenings and mornings.

Again, looking at history, One of Alexander’s Generals, Selucid, was given Syria, and the lands east to India. One infamous Selucid emperor, Antiochus IV, known by the Hebrews as “the madman” came into power and defeated Egypt. He called himself, “The Illustrious One.” While in Jerusalem, he did much harm to the Jewish people. He stopped the daily sacrifices, profaned the Sabbaths and feasts, and forced them to follow foreign customs in the land. Altars for idol worship were built, and were used for unclean animals, including pigs. In a sense, he was trying to totally change their culture. Anyone who would not comply would be killed. In fact, it was about 61/2 years that Antiochus ruled Jerusalem, before the Jews were able to overthrow him and drive out the Syrian army. Judas Maccabeus, a Jewish priest, led the rebellion and took back the temple. They cleansed the temple and rededicated it after it’s desecration. The Jews still celebrate this event at Hanukkah.

All of a sudden, after seeing the vision, and seeking the meaning in his mind, an angel in human form appeared to Daniel. It was Gabriel! A voice came from heaven, directing Gabriel to explain the vision to Daniel. And what he revealed to him next was amazing. The vision was for the time of the end! While we can now see that this prophecy seemed to be fulfilled once already by Antiochus IV, it will be fulfilled again in the very last days. In those coming days, a king will arise who understands sinister schemes! He will be mighty, but not by his own power. He will destroy the mighty on earth and also God’s people, Israel. Through his cunning, he will cause deceit to prosper under his rule. Full of pride, he will destroy the prosperous on the earth, and rise against Jesus, Yeshua, himself. His power will be broken by God, not man. And the vision of 2300 days will be true! Again! Then, Daniel was told to seal up the vision. It was for many days into the future.

As you can imagine, after all this Daniel fainted and was sick for days. What an experience! Afterward, he went back to the king’s business, still trying to consider all that the vision meant.

Twelve more years went by, and during this time, Daniel, who was now 81 years old, was still living in the palace, but he was in retirement. Now the young co-regent of Babylon, Belshazzar, made a great feast for 1000 of his lords. As he tasted the wine, he gave the orders to bring out the gold and silver vessels which his grandfather, Nebuchadnezzer had taken from the temple in Jerusalem almost 70 years ago, so that his guests might drink from them.

Do you remember what happened next? That is right! Right in the middle of the banquet, fingers of a man’s hand appeared and began to write a message on the plaster of the wall! None of the king’s wise men could read it! But then, the queen hurried into the banquet hall. Most likely, Belshazzar’s mother. She reminded Belshazzar about Daniel!

Daniel was brought before the king and proceeded to give him a message from Yahweh. The young king, God said, had not humbled his heart before Him. Belshazzar should have known to honor Yahweh, because he had had the benefit of learning from what his grandfather, Nebuchadnezzer, had testified. He also had angered God, because in his pride, he had brought out the sacred vessels from the temple in Jerusalem and used them as drinking vessels for his party. Finally, Daniel interpreted the message of the writing. In modern terms, here is what it said. “Belshazzar, your number is up! I have judged you, and you have been found wanting. Your kingdom will be divided and given to the Medes and the Persians.” (Dan 5:25-28)

Indeed this message from Yahweh came true. That very night, while the banquet was going on, King Cyrus’ army, under the direction of his general, diverted the river that circled the city of Babylon like a moat. The army of Persia walked right into Babylon and took the city by surprise and without a fight. King Cyrus himself arrived seventeen days later, on October 12, 539 BC.

Daniel was there to meet him of course! This was my people’s chance! This is what they had been waiting for! He presented King Cyrus with a scroll of Isaiah 45, written 150 years earlier. Isaiah’s prophecy named Cyrus as the king who would allow the people of Yahweh to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple. Cyrus, the king of the newly united Medo-Persian Empire, was stirred in his heart by the words of Yahweh! Things were looking up!

The first great beast of Daniel’s vision, the great lion with wings, was no more. The Babylonian Empire had fallen. How excited the Jewish exiles must have been, when they learned that the name of their new Persian emperor was Cyrus! It was only a short time until their 70 years of captivity would be over, and they would be allowed to go home! The words of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel, as well as other prophets had come true, and were continuing to light the path of the Jewish remnant into the future, stirring them with hope. Don’t miss the end of Daniel’s narrative, in part three! I am excited to tell you what happened to Daniel during the rise of the Persian Empire!




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