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Pt. 3 As in the Days of Noah...

How did all those animals fit on the ark? Was it a regional or local flood? How did Noah "catch" all those animals? How could rain cover the whole earth? These are some of the questions discussed in part three of the study. Join Patti as she discusses the Genesis account as well as presenting a few science evidences for the worldwide flood! For further science study, be sure to watch the attached resources below. Click Here for the Lesson Plans and Notes for Lessons 1-4. (15:47)

Scriptures: Genesis 6: 9 to Genesis 7:24.


1. Enoch was "raptured" before the flood. Do you think this might be a sign that believers in Christ will be raptured before the tribulation? Why or why not?

2. Which is the hardest thing for you to believe about the flood account?

3. What new information presented helps confirm the validity of a world-wide flood?

4. What does Noah's obedience to God in his "last days" tell us about his relationship to God and his character? How can we relate this obedience to ourselves in our "last days?"

5. How would you explain to a non-believer how the ark is a type of Christ?

Further Study:

Enjoy this teaching by Jay Seegart, The Starting Point Project. This is parts 2 and. 3 in the series. Want more? Click the link for parts 1

In the video below, Dr. Steve Austin shows photos of strata formation from Mt St. Helens. 2:04)



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