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Ruth: The Greatest Love Story of All Time Part 1

What is the greatest love story of all time? Do you have a candidate? By the end of the study, I believe I will have made such a strong case, that you will agree with me! We will dig into not only the biblical narrative, but also the prophetic story found in symbolism beneath the surface. Stay with it, because you will be amazed at all that the Holy Spirit put into this text!

Each of the four lessons will be a verse by verse study of one chapter of the Book of Ruth. You may wish to read the chapter before or after watching the video (18:00). Then, look up the scriptures listed below, and journal some of the questions that are interesting to you. Finally, there are some very short dramatizations for you to watch for each lesson, and sometimes a link for further study. Enjoy falling in love with Jesus all over again!

Scriptures: Ruth 1,Hosea 12:10

Genesis 19:36-37 (Lot/Moab), Numbers 22-25 (Moab)

2 Kings 3:26-27 (Chemosh)

Verses for Israel as God's bride:

Isaiah 54:4-8, Jeremiah 31:31-32, Hosea 2, Jeremiah 2:2

Verses for the Church as Christ's bride:

Rev. 21:2, Eph. 5:25-27, Rev 19:7-9, Romans 11:17-24

If you would like a copy of the scriptures and questions for each of the four lessons, click Here.

For Lesson Plans for all four lessons, Click Here!!


1. When things get hard in life, what is your response? Naomi and her husband fled the country and went to Moab. Do you think it was a good idea? Why or why not?

2. What should our response be in a time of national crisis?

3. Do you have a candidate for the greatest love story of all time? What story would it be?

4. What new thing stood out to you the most in studying chapter 1? What questions do you have?

5. Have you ever taken an oath, like the one that Ruth took, to stay with and care for Naomi? What was the oath?

6. If Naomi represents Israel, and Ruth, the church, what might this say in regards to the church's duty to support Israel?

Further Study:

The videos below are video clips/dramatizations of the Ruth story created on site in Moab and Israel. Don't miss watching these!! They are all less than 4 minutes each.

Heading to Moab #2

Elimelech dies. #3

Your People Shall be my People #4

Call Me Mara. #5

The video below is a 2 minute clip, "Who are the Moabites?"

The video above is about the Moabite stone, archeological evidence of the existence of ancient Moab and Israel, with a reference to David. (3:49)




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