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Ruth: The Greatest Love Story of all Time Part 3

In Part 3, Patti discusses the threshing floor scene, found in Chapter 3. She also teaches about the Law of Levirate Marriage, and the Law of Redemption. (18:50)

What is a goel? This is the word for Kinsman-Redeemer in Hebrew. The obligations of the goel include:

1. The duty to redeem (pay the debt to release) a close relative from slavery, if the relative had been forced to sell himself into slavery, until the year of Jubilee (Leviticus 25:48-49).

2.The duty to redeem the property of a relative who had to sell (lease) it for financial reasons.

3. The duty to marry his brother's widow in order to have a son for his brother, in the case that the brother had no son to pass on his name (Deuteronomy 25:5-6).


Ruth 3, Deut. 25:5-10, Leviticus 25: 47-55 Matthew 3:12, Deut 22:30, Isaiah 61:10, Luke 8:40-48, 1 Samuel 24:4, Ezekiel 16:8, Ephesians 5:27, 2 Timothy 2:21, Romans 12:1


1. Do you think there is anything significant about the fact that this narrative happens at the time of the spring harvest festivals, that is, Passover and Pentecost?

Feast of Unleavened Bread, (barley)

Feast of Weeks, (wheat)

2. Why do you think God wanted all of the land to "stay in the family?"

3. How does learning about the Law of Redemption change your view of the concept of redemption?

4. What part of this lesson was the most interesting to you and why?

5. How does Boaz resemble Christ in this lesson?

6. Can you find any more examples of how our "types" match their roles in this lesson?

7. Think about this. What does it really mean to be redeemed personally by Christ?

Further Study: Enjoy each of these 2 to 3 minute clips that share the Ruth drama. Also, learn about the threshing floor in the first video below.

Boaz is a Kinsman Redeemer! #11

Naomi sends Ruth to the Threshing Floor.#12

The Threshing Floor. #13

Ruth Lays at the Feet of Boaz. #14

Boaz Discovers Ruth at His Feet.#15

There is a nearer Kinsman Redeemer...#16

She Lay at His Feet Until Morning....#17

Naomi Asks How it Went....#18

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