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Lesson 4 Joshua: Lessons from the Promised Land "The Battle of Jericho"

Lesson 4: The Battle of Jericho (16:00) In lesson 4, Patti discusses the preparation of Israel for the upcoming battle of Jericho, and the events of the battle itself. She discusses the memorial stones, circumcision of the nation of Israel, and the celebration of Passover in the new land at Gilgal, as well as the big battle itself. Listen how she relates this victory to her own personal “Jericho!”

Scriptures: Joshua 4, 5, 6


1. Which part of this lesson stood out the most to you?

2. Have you ever experienced a personal Jericho? What happened?

3. Why do you think it was important to God that the Israelites be circumcised?

4. What is the significance of the Israelites crossing the Jordan right before Passover?

5. How does God rescuing Rahab before the battle relate to the rapture of the church?

6. What can we learn about fighting our own personal battles from the way they were directed to fight this one?

Enjoy listening to me read Aunt Joyce's Letter!! (4:00)

Activity: Enjoy this four minute video on the discoveries on site at several of these Biblical cities.



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