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Lesson 3 Joshua: Lessons from the Promised Land "Crossing the Jordan"

Lesson 3: "Crossing the Jordan" (15:26)

In this session, we watch the people of Israel cross the Jordan River on dry ground. Patti relates this lesson to our journey out of self-focused Christianity and into becoming a soldier of the cross of Christ! We move from basic Christianity into the fullness of Christ as we keep our eyes on Him. Listen as she relates this lesson to her son's journey, and how he takes an important step for Christ even amidst being bullied at middle school.


Joshua 3, Exodus 25


  1. What was the most important thing that stood out to you in this lesson?

  2. What does it mean to keep your eyes on the ark? How did Jon do that?

  3. What do you do in frightful situations? How can we learn what to do from this lesson?

  4. As we move out of “self focused” Christianity into God’s Kingdom purposes for our lives, we have our own Jordan River experience. Relate this lesson to your own life. Where are you in your Christian faith? What side of the river are you on?

  5. As we look on the horizon of what is happening in our country today, we can see that we must begin to go on the offensive, following God, to take back territory we have lost. What might that look like in practical terms?

Here is the link referenced in the video:


Watch this two minute video of the Jordan River at Flood Stage.

Watch this six minute video to see theories of where the ark might be today!

Don't miss this 7 minute video by Chuck Missler, showing a hidden surprise as we study the camp of Israel in the desert.



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