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Session 3: Wallbuilders: "Nehemiah Surveys the Walls"

In Session 3, Patti teaches not only how Nehemiah surveyed the walls in Jerusalem before starting his building project, but how we can survey our own spiritual walls. Click here for handouts.

Read the Scriptures: Nehemiah 2: 11-15, 2 Chronicles 32:1-8, Isaiah 22:10-11

Video Length: 15:08


1. What was it about this lesson that impacted you the most?

2. Why do you think Nehemiah did not tell the people when he arrived why he was there?

3. Why do you think Nehemiah did the survey with only a few trusted friends, and in the dark, at night? What might this suggest to us about doing our own spiritual survey?

4. Can you name any other "wallbuilders" found in the scriptures? If so, do they share any of the same character traits found in Nehemiah?

5. Think of a time you forgot to consult God before beginning a project. What happened? What did you learn from the experience?

Enjoy this 7 minute video about Nehemiah. Then answer the question, " What are the new characteristics of a wallbuilder that we can add to our list? How is Nehemiah similar to or different from Queen Esther?


1. Do your own spiritual survey. Pray this question to God, then sit back and wait for him to reveal the answers to you. Lord, What wrong attitudes, actions or motives do I have?

2. Pray the prayers of confession based on the book of Malachi for seven days in a row. The prayers are each around 2 minutes in length. Look for the links below, or search for them on Youtube under the title, Seven Day Call to Prayer for our Nation.

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6



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