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Session 2: Wallbuilders: "Characteristics of a Wallbuilder"

In Session 2, Patti points out seven characteristics of a "wallbuilder" by reexamining Nehemiah 1. She relates these characteristics to Pastor Hudson Suubi, from Lugazi, Uganda, and shows how God still uses people to build walls for him today that have these same character traits and behaviors.

You may wish to begin by carefully reading today's scriptures. Then, watch the vdio.

Scriptures: Nehemiah 1, 2:1-10

Video Length 13:24


1. Why do you think God chose Nehemiah to return to rebuild the wall?

2. How is God's choice for a wallbuilder different than one the world may choose?

3. Think of someone you know who is a "wallbuilder." Does that person have all these characteristics?

4. What was it about Nehemiah's character that allowed him to take risks and dream big dreams?

5. Why do wallbuilders make good leaders?


1. Read back through the scriptures again. Try to find even more of Nehemiah's "wallbuilder" character traits.

2.. Looks at the seven characteristics of a wallbuilder listed again below. Rate your self on a scale of 1 to 5. Which are your strongest characteristics? Which are your weakest? Choose one characteristic to ask God to help you enhance in your own life.

a. Wallbuilder's hearts are lined up with God's purposes and plans, and not their own.

b. Wallbuilders go to God FIRST, and BIG TIME when they have a problem.

c. Wallbuilders know God is awesome. Wallbuilders are God's servants.

d. Wallbuilders confess the sins of self and others.

e. Wallbuilders know God's word and promises and pray them back to Him.

f. Wallbuilders take Risks!

g. Wallbuilders dream big dreams and press through till completed.

Spend time praying for God to turn you into a wallbuilder!



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