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Pt. 4 Return to Me: Lessons from Ezra on Rebuilding our Lives "God Sends The Prophets"

Lesson 4: "God Sends the Prophets"

In Lesson 4, God sends help in the form of Haggai and Zechariah. The building process had been halted for 16 years. In this lesson from the book of Haggai, Patti gleans seven steps to encourage others that are going through a struggle, Be sure to scroll down for the questions, scriptures and follow up activities.

The link for the lesson plan and free handouts is HERE!


Ezra 5: 1-2

Haggai 1 and 2

Building Blocks Lesson 4


1. Have you ever become “stuck” in your Christian walk? What happened? How did you restart the building process again?

2. What was it that Haggai said that motivated the remnant to begin rebuilding again?

3. What was the real reason the building was “stuck” or halted?

4. Do you think God gives prophetic words to us today? Have you ever received or given one? How do we know the word is from God?

5. Who in your circle of friend is rebuilding their life? How can you help them?

Lesson 4 Building Blocks Activity: Be an Encourager

1. Choose someone from your circle of friends or a person attending your church that you know is rebuilding their life, or struggling in their life. Make a plan to text them every day for seven days to remind them God is with them. Create a text for each day, using the seven steps from this lesson.

2. After the week is over, evaluate. How did completing this activity bless the person you were texting? Are you motivated to continue? Why or Why not?

3. How did completing this activity also bless you personally?

4. Here are the list of the seven steps again to help you with your project.

Notes for Texting a Friend: Create your own encouraging texts, use these concepts as a beginning! But always, follow God’s lead. As you pray for that person, he will give you help with what he wants that person to hear! Don’t forget to pray for them, before and after you write and send the text. Or, feel free to rearrange the order as God leads! Let Him be your guide!

Step 1. Keep reminding them God is with them. God loves them and desires to be with them.

Step 2: Remind them God has made them promises both personal and general and he keeps his word.

Step 3: Tell them the glory of the future they are building will be greater than the life they left behind, even though they can’t see it right now. Remind them God is at work making them into his image, something better.

Step 4: Remind them Peace is coming!! It may not be with them right now, but it is coming!

Step 5: Encourage them to evaluate relationships to be sure they are not being affected. Bad company can be real people or even shows or computer web sites.

Step 6: Remind them God wants to bless them if they are building on his foundation stones. God is not against them but for them. He is encouraging the building process.

Step 7: Remind them God has chosen them to be his special instrument.

I love the encouragement from this video... so upbeat and happy!! 3 min.



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