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Pt. 3 Return to Me: Lessons from Ezra on Rebuilding our Lives "Watch and Pray"

Lesson 3: "Watch and Pray" (17:30)

In Lesson 3, Patti analyzes tactics of the enemy from Ezra 4. In this lesson we can see that the local people were not too pleased about the people returning to rebuild the temple of Yahweh. Through lies and scheming, they bring the building process to a screeching halt. We have an enemy, too, and his name is Satan. He is scheming against us as well... trying to stop our building process. This lesson identifies six tactics of the enemy to watch for and also exhorts the learner to "watch and pray."

Be sure to watch the lesson first, then the Building Blocks Video. You can find the handouts for all six lessons by clicking here. Or, if you would like, scroll down to find the questions, scriptures, and copies of the activities. If you would like video notes and a lesson plan click here. Finally, Enjoy!! Don't miss the song, "This is How I Fight my Battles" at the very end.

Scriptures: Ezra 4, Psalm 1:1, Matthew 26:41, Matthew 2

Don't miss the activities for this week! (8:59)

Building Blocks Lesson 3: You can get a copy of this, by clicking here!


1. What do you think it means to watch and pray?

2. What was the most interesting part of this lesson for you?

3. Why do you think the Samaritans were so against the rebuilding of the temple?

4. What is our greatest weapon against Satan? Why do you think so?

Activity One: Watch and Pray (worksheet)

Spend some time talking to God, asking him to direct you how to set up an action plan to “watch and pray” in your own life. How can we stay awake to watch? Why is it important to be on the look out for enemy interference and pray daily to intercept problems and turn things over to God to handle sooner than later? I suggest adding “Watch and Pray” to the daily report card! See attached updated “report card.

Part 1: Interview at least three Christians you know and respect. Ask them, “What do you think it means to watch and pray?”

Part 2: Begin to watch. Become observant of all situations and people going on around you. Complete activity 2 to be aware of the tactics of the enemy. Matthew 26:41

Part 3: Be sure to put on the whole armor of God every day. (Ephesians Chapter 6.) If you pray it on, it helps! Also, pray every day for your discernment to be active and turned on. Pray that God helps you know what is happening!

Part 4: Remember to pray every day. You can also declare this verse: No weapon formed against me may prosper! Every word that rises up in opposition to me will be condemned! Isaiah 54:17.

Updated! Daily Report Card!

Read this list every morning. In the evening, put a check mark beside each foundation stone you remembered to do that day.

1. Spend time with Me in daily sacrifice of time.

2. Praise and thank Me for each thing that happens today.

3. Think about me and meditate on my goodness and glory.

4. Keep your focus on ME and our building project. Don’t look back!

5. Watch and Pray!

Activity Two: Tactics of the Enemy (worksheet)

Read over the tactics outlined in the lesson. Were any of these tactics ever used against you? If so, write what happened on the worksheet next to the tactic. This process helps us to watch and pray for similar attacks.

Tactic 1: Satan will try to call you evil. Represent you as evil, try to convince others you are. We see this in politics all the time. Instead, remember you are covered with the blood of Jesus and are righteous in the eyes of God.

My Experience:

Tactic 2: Satan will question your motives for wanting to rebuild your temple.

Remind yourself that God is partnering you in the process and he is the one that has called you to the rebuilding process. He is the one that stirred you to return.

My Experience:

Tactic 3: Satan will lie to others about what you will do or not do in the future.

You must not fear what man thinks about you. Only seek to please God.

Instead, Continue to push forward and continue to do things RIGHT NOW that will please him. (Foundation Stone 5)

My experience:

Tactic 4: Satan’s deception makes it look like he’s trying to look out for those in authority by reporting your behavior to them. He presents himself as loyal and true, even quoting scriptures at time, and tries to represent you as subversive. Head this off by Prayer and fasting, and turn the situation over to God, for him to reveal the truth and work on your behalf. Be sure to ask God’s advice and intervention daily in the rebuilding process. (Foundation Stone 6)

My experience:

Tactic 5: Satan appeals to evidence of something that comes from your past, not related to what is happening now. Points out the wrong things you may have done long ago and makes the leap you will do that now. He tries to defame you by throwing at you your behavior of the past.

Remember that you are a new creature in Christ. Keep your eyes fixed on him. You may be bearing the consequences of past behavior in living apart from God, but you are now a new creation. The old has passed away, behold the new has come.

My experience:

Tactic 6: Satan Draws conclusions from faulty reasoning and lies to discredit you. Keep praying for God to give you a strategy to beat this attack. Remember that the enemy can be conniving. Focus on the truth of God’s word, and that will set you free. Remember, keep asking for God’s advice and intervention.

My experience:

Activity Three: Troublemakers (worksheet)

Part 1: Identify potential “troublemakers” in your life-- people that could interfere with your rebuilding process. These people could be judgmental, self centered, critical, controlling, manipulative, flattering, rude or give unsolicited advice. They could have a lack of compassion or be prideful. They could be self seeking.

List the names here:

Part 2: Choose one of the people on your list that has the potential to be used by the enemy to interfere in your building process. Remember, your enemy is not the person, but Satan is.

Part 3: Follow the worksheet for a plan for how to set up a protective wall against any plan the enemy may have against you that may be launched through this person.

· Declare out loud that no weapon formed against you may prosper, particularly interference coming from the enemy using this person. Isaiah 54:17.

· Begin to pray for that person daily. We are told to pray for our enemies. Matthew 5:44. Remember, the enemy is not the person, but Satan, the father of lies.

· Forgive them over and over, each time they say or do something harmful. Forgive them immediately. Matthew 18:21-22. Also Matthew 6:14-15. If you forgive others, God will forgive you.

· Pinpoint lies they may speak about you or believe about you, and replace them with the truth of how God views you, as evidenced by the promises in his Word. John 8:32

· Keep your peace and keep building! Isaiah 41:10.

· Do not return evil for evil, but give a blessing instead. 1 Peter 3:9.

· However, do not let them “help” with the building project. You may need to suspend relationship with them for a time. Ezra 4:3.

Don't miss this 3 min video... Awesome!



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