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Pt. 2 Return to Me: Lessons from Ezra on Rebuilding our Lives "Laying the Foundation

Lesson 2: "Laying the Foundation"

In Lesson 2, the exiles return to Jerusalem and begin by rebuilding the altar of sacrifice and laying the foundation stones. Because we see this as God's priority, we will also begin our rebuilding process with the "altar of daily sacrifice."

In this teaching, Patti challenges the listener to return to four foundational building stones. Be sure to listen to both videos. the first one is the lesson, and the second describes the personal study activities. The activities are listed below the second video.

For the handouts that include video notes and lesson plan for this lesson, Click here.

For a copy of the Building Blocks Activities for all of the lessons, Click here.


1. Ezra 3.

2. Zechariah 4:10 (Small Beginnings)

3. Hebrews 12:1-2, Phil 3:14

4. Numbers 28 (Daily Sacrifice)

Discussion Questions:

1. What comforts in your daily life may you have to give up to reinstate the daily sacrifice?

2. Which of the four foundation stones is the most difficult thing for you to do on a daily basis? Why?

3. How would you describe the difference between spending intimate time with God and simply reading a daily devotional? How are these behaviors the same? Different?

4. What events have happened previously in your life that motivated you to return to God, or change your behavior to completely follow his will in your life again, that is, return to your first love? Were these situations “good” things that happened to you or “hard” things?

5. Which part of this lesson was the most meaningful for you?

6. How does knowing that the Israelites started with reinstituting the daily sacrifice before constructing the building encourage you? What might this say about what God feels is important in our lives?

Activity: Daily Report Cards

1. Print off the included daily report card for a period of a week.

2. Place the report card in a prominent place, be sure to read it before starting each day.

3. At the end of the day, put a check mark by the things you did on the list.

4. Do a self assessment! Which of the four foundation “stones” is the easiest for you to remember to do? Which is the hardest?

Daily Focus Worksheet

Read this list every morning. In the evening, put a check mark beside each foundation stone you remembered to do that day.

1. Spend time with Me in daily sacrifice of time. (Ezra 3:3)

2. Praise and thank Me for each thing that happens today. (Ephesians 5:20)

3. Think about me and meditate on My goodness and glory. (Psalm 119:15, Psalm 100)

4. Keep your focus on Me and our building project. Don’t look back!

(Hebrews 12:1-2)

Enjoy this Bird Church slide show, with John on the dulcimer. Give Thanks!


Watch as the Jews today recreate the Biblical Passover.



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