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Pt. 1 Return to Me: Lessons from Ezra on Rebuilding our Lives "Return to the Stronghold"

Video Length: (13:05)

Often times we wonder, how do these Old Testament history books relate to our lives today? In the book of Ezra, we see the people of Israel in captivity in Babylon for 70 years. They are now allowed to return to Judah to rebuild the temple. There are times in our life in which we get off track in our relationship with God, and we need a restart, too. We need to rebuild our temples, also, the temple of the Holy Spirit. Come along with me and study lessons that God has placed in the book of Ezra for us to apply to our life today. He is calling you to return to Him, and promises he will return to you as well.

Welcome to the Bible Study! In this study, I teach six lessons from the book of Ezra, and relate the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem with the rebuilding of our lives, the temple of the Holy Spirit. Pick up your tool box and come along, joining the building project! This bible study will also teach you how to minister to those in your circle who are rebuilding their lives.

The study has six teaching sessions, and then a Building Blocks video for each lesson. Don't miss that part! Be sure to watch each of the videos for each lesson so that you know how to do the follow up projects! Watch both videos, and then look for the scriptures, study questions and activities under the second video link. If you would like to download the lesson plan and video notes for Lesson 1, CLICK HERE! If you would like a copy of the Building Blocks Activities for the entire class, CLICK HERE!

Scriptures: Ezra 1 and 2

Going Deeper: Zechariah 9:12, 1:3, Isaiah 45,

Deuteronomy 30: 1-16, Daniel 5

Building Blocks Lesson 1: (5:53)

Don’t miss the Building Blocks Video that goes with each of these six lessons!

Questions to Ponder:

  1. What do you think God means by “prisoner of hope?”

  2. Why do you think Cyrus chose to let the Israelites go back to rebuild the temple?

  3. Is God stirring your heart to fully return to Him? How do you know?

  4. Do you have a friend in the faith that is currently rebuilding their life? How could what we studied today encourage them? What would you say to them to help them along that path?

Building Blocks Activity: "The Blessings of Returning to God"

What exactly does God require from us when we return to Him? How does that look from God’s point of view? In the Book of Deuteronomy 30:1-16 God tells us just that.

Part 1: Read Deut. 30: 1-16

Part 2: Reread the scriptures, and fill out the included worksheet or simply journal the following questions:

What is God saying? If you do this….. (write what you have to do under here)

God will promise to do this:

When you have put notes for all 16 verses in one of these categories, spend some time crafting a prayer letter to God, pledging to do all that he asks you to do in Duet. 30:1-16. Or, use the one I crafted and fill in the blanks. Pray the prayer to God and print it up. Put the prayer up on your refrigerator or in a place you will see it often during the next 5 lessons. Finally, Check the website for any follow up video links provided for future study.

Building Blocks Worksheet Lesson 1: The Blessings of Returning to God

Read Duet. 30:1-16. As you read, put notes in the following categories on this sheet.

If I Do These Things:

V. 2

v. 8

v. 10

v. 16

God Promises to Do This:

v. 3

v. 5

v. 6

v. 7

v. 9

Heavenly Father,

I feel the tug in my heart to answer the call to return to you. I pledge this day to return to you. I will obey your voice and scriptures and follow you once again with my whole heart. I will withhold nothing from you. Please, help me to love you and your son Jesus, trusting in him alone for salvation. Help me to walk in your ways and keep your commandments. I confess I have strayed from you in these areas, or because of these things:






Please, help me with this process by anointing me afresh with your Holy Spirit and showing me how to rebuild the holy temple of my life to fully honor and glorify you.

In the mighty name of Jesus,


View this short video clip on the Cylinder of Cyrus. (3:03)

Enjoy this worship song, "Lord Have Mercy" by Michael W. Smith.



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