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Pt. 5 Hezekiah: The Lord is My Strength, "I Am the God who Heals You"

Jesus healed many people during his ministry on the earth. In the Old Testament times, people were healed by God,  too, at different times and in different ways. Yahweh has always been a God of healing. In Exodus 15:26, God told Moses, “I am the Lord who heals you!”   Many times, the healing occurred in the presence of a prophet… Moses, Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Samuel, and so on.

Many scholars wonder if all of the recorded history in the scriptures regarding King Hezekiah is chronological.  Assuming the biblical narrative IS chronological, this account would take place after the Assyrian siege of Jerusalem, after King Sennacarib returned to Ninevah. Other scholars believe, since the text says, “In those days' ' meaning at the same time as the Assyrian campaign against Jerusalem, that this event happened BEFORE the final battle with Sennacarib over Jerusalem. 

 Either way, before or after the battle in Lesson 4, in this biblical account, Hezekiah falls deathly ill. What would you do if you were in this situation? Let’s see what Hezekiah did! For Lesson Plans for Lesson 5 Click Here!


Scriptures: 2 Kings 20, Isaiah 38.

also: Exodus 15:26, Isaiah 8:7-8, Psalm 32:6-7, Isaiah 43:2, 2 Chronicles 32: 20-23


  1. Hezekiah's healing shows us that our prayers can change God's mind. How does this turn of events encourage you?

  2. Why do you think Hezekiah wished for a sign to validate the prophecy for his healing?

  3. Take time as a group to read Hezekiah’s song out loud. After reading the song, what new things do we know about King Hezekiah?  Isaiah 38:9-20  What was King Hezekiah most concerned about?

  4. Oftentimes we do need to cry out to God to, “Undertake for me..” Think of something in your life you need to ask God to undertake for you! Cry out, as Hezekiah did, Undertake for me!Spend a moment to write your prayer down.

  5. Read the page in the Hebrew Words book on Remember. How does this Hebrew word have more meaning than our word remember in English?

  6.  God blessed Hezekiah with physical healing, and another miracle, a sign in the heavenlies. Have you ever experienced a miracle? Tell what happened. 

Further Study: What Ahaz's sundial looked like: (1:47)



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