Pt. 4 Hezekiah: The Lord is My Strength "Whom Do You Trust?"
What do you do when a crisis comes into your life? You didn’t go looking for it, it came looking for you. You have no choice but to face it. Do you panic, withdraw, or fight? Will you stand or will you fall? How do you strengthen yourself to deal with it?
King Hezekiah was facing a crisis. The Assyrian army had taken almost all the fortified cities of Judah. They were flowing across the entire country like a flood, taking some of the territories without a fight. The people in the countryside farms had deserted them and pulled into the stronghold of Jerusalem for safety. The farms were ravished by the enemy, and food was scarce. Isaiah the prophet was in mourning. This war had been prophesied years ago through the mouth of Isaiah to Hezekiah’s father, Ahaz. The city was under siege. And the worst part of all? The Assyrians were the agent of Yahweh! They were under His discipline as a consequence of the sins of Judah during the reign of Ahaz. Why now? Why did Hezekiah’s generation have to pay for the sins of Ahaz? At least the prophecy promised that God’s Holy city and temple would not be taken by the Assyrians!
As you watch think of a personal crisis you might be facing. You might feel backed into a corner with no way out. Let's see how God came to the rescue, just in time! For Lesson Plans, Click Here!
Scriptures to Read and Journal
Isaiah 36-37, 2 Kings 18;17- end and Chapter 19. ,2 Chronicles 32: 9-22
, Isaiah 30:15, Isaiah 8, and Isaiah 26:3
What stood out to you the most about this lesson?
Why do you think many scholars believe that Hezekiah’s prayer is one of the most beautiful and inspiring prayers in the bible? Why was this prayer powerful?
What is it about Hezekiah that makes him one of the strongest kings of Judah?
How does this episode from the life of King Hezekiah give you hope?
Hezekiah passed the test to Stop, Pray, and Listen, when it mattered most.
What does this lesson teach you about God?
The Assyrians were the agent of Yahweh to discipline Judah, yet they were only allowed to go so far. Why do you think that God allowed the country of Israel to be wiped out at this time, but not Judah?
Are you facing a personal crisis where you see no way out? How does this lesson give you hope?
Do you think our nation is facing this same kind of crisis? Why or why not?
Closure: Spend some quiet time, having the class members reflect upon a personal crisis they may be facing. Have them write that down quietly on a card and lay it out on the table before them. If they would like to share, listen to each request. If not, they can turn their cards over. Then, pray Hezekiah's Prayer over each request, and also our nation. (See Lesson Plan.)
Key Verse: Isaiah 30:15
Further Study: The Lachish reliefs ( Found in Assyrian capitol of Ninevah, records history from Assyrian point of view!) (3:30)
Gihon Spring: (3:00)